Sketch Refrences

 when I design or draw new images. I usually have a small album on my Ipod to find certain images that I can use as a reference or as a small kick to inspiration. I use this technique whenever Im on the go, and I even use the outside world and references merged together with my work to make it look unique

Week Two Sketch References + Reading Questions!

Sketch References:

Reading 1: How Next Level Design Is Driving the Beer World

Funky Buddha’s past labels have been quirky and full of punny, yes punny, imagery, from a goat making a getaway by water to a statue of Buddha chilling out on the beach watching the sunset. I wanted to evoke the same kind of feeling with my own brand of quirk and keep the momentum of fun labels on the bottle that drinkers would expect to see.

Reading 2: Jillian Tamaki on Idea generation

One strategy I use a lot that Tamaki mentioned is collecting media. I have a cork board wall in my room that I use to paste pictures I’ve cut or print out, separated into either random inspiration or for a specific project. Whenever I come across something on any medium such as my phone, laptop, or magazine, I make a note/cut/screenshot it. What I find usually inspires my work right away or in due time, and what I look for specifically aids me in reference I need to tackle a project.