city limits

i would like the class to read the”city limits” by Colson whitehead because he is talking about the life of new yorker. He is talking about the life of old city versus new city.

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Well like I said I chose City Limits by Colston Whitehead because I was born and raised here and with that being said its not a day that goes by I don’t wonder and imagine what went on throughout blocks and streets that I walk through everyday . Sometimes I step outside and see the changes and reminisce , sometimes a group of us would go back and forth for hours about old things we use to do before they put something else there. New York City is a city that constantly changes even in a blink of an eye you could miss something from the old buildings to the new establishments everything looks like it belongs and its a story within itself . So from the old to the I wouldn’t trade a memory that’s why I cherish every New York MOMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Hello my name is Kwasi. This is my first semester at City Tech. My major is marketing. I am looking forward to improving my writing skills while I’m in this class.

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A Little About Me

Hi everyone.

I am new to this whole online class thing and its taking me a little longer then expected but I think I kind of sort of got it. This will be my second semester at City tech and my major is Liberal Arts. I am not too sure of what career i will be going into as of yet but I hope to find out somewhere along the line, hopefully.

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After reading the other options I think the best choice would be The Lost Art of Reading. The reason why is because this was the last one I read and I felt that it pretty much summed up the experience I had reading the other choices. I spent all day trying to find the time and silence to be able to really concentrate on the material and sometimes felt as if i blanked out. This is the felling I have been having for some time now and I felt alone. This article for me really hit close to home.

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“The Lost Art of Reading” by David Ulin

We should read this article as a class because the way reading is described in some parts is very interesting. If I’m not mistaking, instead of the writing taking the shape of an object its being personified. “…It demands that space…” for itself, making you hold back and catch up with what’s surrounding you.

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Native Son

Out of all the the links that were posted this is the one that stood out to me the most. I found the story of the author very interesting. The fact that he started of as a boy preacher in Harlem and the way it explains about how he used racism he used it in a way that many people were afraid to use it at the time. To point out all the faults that the world has. I think that takes a lot for one person to put themselves in a situation where everyone could either hat him or love him for what he is doing as a author.



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“City Limits” by Colson Whitehead

I’ve read all the readings and the one I can relate to the most is “City Limits” by Colson Whitehead. Also, I feel most of the english 1101 will have some sort of connection too. He expresses many different feelings that numerous people can have connections too. Many people. This one statement from the text stood out too me, “Your streets are calendars containing who we were and who we will be next. We see ourselves in this city every day when we walk down the sidewalk and catch our reflections in store windows, seek ourselves in this city each time we reminisce about what was there 5, 10, 40 years ago, because all our old places are proof that we were here. One day the city we built will be gone, and when it goes, we go. When the buildings fall, we topple, too”. I would love to see what the class think or feel about this statement. I for one feel it’s a very powerful statement and its important to know what your city has been through years ago, and compare it to what you see today.

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I am choosing “City Limits” for one I’m  such a city person and I’m pretty sure we all can relate to living in this big city .For me I know I had plenty of days having my own interpretation of New York ,not only that growing up here we all had that defining moment where we just had that feeling like man I love this city ,and there is no place like home …….well that’s why I decided to go with “City Limits ‘ by Colson Whitehead

ON February 4th 2013 the New York Knicks defeated the Detroit Pistons 99-85

smh sorry f your a Detroit fan

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HI :)

I found a great interest in the essay “The lost art of reading” by David Ulin. I found this interesting because I could deffinately relate to the way he described himself when he reads. Sometimes I’d sit and wonder if I was the only one who became lost in a book when I read, and than their were other times  could not focus on reading a book. i think the class will find this essay interesting because im sure some if not most can relate to this essay.

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