“City Limits” by Colson Whitehead

I’ve read all the readings and the one I can relate to the most is “City Limits” by Colson Whitehead. Also, I feel most of the english 1101 will have some sort of connection too. He expresses many different feelings that numerous people can have connections too. Many people. This one statement from the text stood out too me, “Your streets are calendars containing who we were and who we will be next. We see ourselves in this city every day when we walk down the sidewalk and catch our reflections in store windows, seek ourselves in this city each time we reminisce about what was there 5, 10, 40 years ago, because all our old places are proof that we were here. One day the city we built will be gone, and when it goes, we go. When the buildings fall, we topple, too”. I would love to see what the class think or feel about this statement. I for one feel it’s a very powerful statement and its important to know what your city has been through years ago, and compare it to what you see today.

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