Week 7 Assignments


Please spend 5 to 7 minutes free writing about what you did over the spring break.

RWA11: Writing Inventory

DUE: Wednesday, April 10

Purpose:  to identify the patterns of error/writing issues that you need to work on

1.  Take a look at all of the starred sentences.  What do you notice about these sentences? Why do you think Prof. Rodgers thinks they are impressive? Do you think they are impressive? Are there other sentences in the essay that you think are particularly impressive or effective?  If yes, list them and explain why you think they are impressive.

2.  Make a list of what you are beginning to see as patterns of error in your writing

3.  List, interpret, and categorize each circled word/issue and marginal comment in the essay.  What’s going on with each word/sentence marked?  What happened? Did you make a typo? Need to revise?  Can you name the error?

4,  Re-read p. 43 of Professor Rodgers’ book _10 Things You Need To Know About Writing and 10 Things To Write About_.  Then, please list three specific writing errors, or writing issues, that you have noticed as patterns of error in your writing and that you plan on working on.

RWA12:  Intro to Argumentation

DUE: Monday, April 8

Our midterm exam will consist of a timed argumentative essay in response to a reading.  There are two purposes for the midterm exam:  1/ to give you practice writing an argumentative essay and 2/to prepare you for the final exam.  To start preparing for this exam, which you will take next week, I’d like you to first review the materials on the topic located on the following three Web pages:




I’m not requiring that you do the suggested assignments, but if you would like to, please do.  I’d be interested in knowing if you find them helpful.

Please also review Professor Rodgers’ handouts related to writing thesis statements and her structural overview of a thesis-driven essay in 10 Things You Need To Know About Writing.

Once you have reviewed these texts, please do the following:

1/ write down three questions that you have about thesis statements and/or argumentative essay writing

2/ draft a five paragraph letter to City Tech President Russell Hotzler arguing for some necessary changes at City Tech



One Response to Week 7 Assignments

  1. Kwasi A says:

    3 questions
    1 Is it ok to use previous knowledge on the topic in an argumentative essay that comes with an article?

    2 Is it ok to agree and disagree with the topic?

    3 Should a thesis statement be just like the conclusion?

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