You can edit what you write but you can’t edit what you say

To me this means that as a communicator we are both free to speak and write how ever which way we would like to express our thoughts. However, once you’ve spoken your words you cannot take them back. Whem you write something even if it is getting published you have the advantage of being able to revise your writing before you publish it and edit it. you can even have some one else revise it for you to maybe catch a mistake you missed. you can than edit your writing and publish it to the media as a “perfect” piece of literature. As the saying goes words come and go, very true but once you spoken those words there is no taking back what escaped your lips. This is my opinion.

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2 Responses to You can edit what you write but you can’t edit what you say

  1. I love the title of this post! It is sooooo very true!

  2. val says:

    Thanks Prof. 🙂

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