Category Archives: Blog Post 4


Blog4 Quest.#1

Some people argue that Dean Moriarty is the center of this novel. Do you agree? Why or why not? What does Dean represent in terms of behavior/lifestyle? Why do you think Sal admires him so much? WellĀ I do think Dean … Continue reading

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Question 8

David from Giovanni’s room and Dean from on the road are similar in many ways. For one they are both on the outside looking in wishing to be like who they admire. David is a homosexual who really wants to … Continue reading

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Question 6

Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  The concept of “home” functions as two different ways in the novel, in my opinion. The first function is as normalcy, safety,routineĀ and structure for Sal; it’s the place he escapes from and returns back to after he has been … Continue reading

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Question 2

ā€œAnd this was really the way that my whole road experience began, and the things that were to come are too fantastic not to tellā€, state Sal. According to this quote, ā€œthe roadā€ represents freedom and experience. For Sal, it … Continue reading

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question 8

In the novel On the road have several characters that I feel are very similar to some that where in Giovanniā€™s room. But Sal is one character in particular that I feel is very similar to Dave from Giovanniā€™s room. … Continue reading

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Question # 2

“The road” in this novel represents anew pathway towards a different perspective regarding Sal’s uninteresting yet troublesome lifestyle. The symbolism of “the road” interprets Sal’s new journey as well as experimentation into Dean’s exciting and jaunty life experience. For Sal’s … Continue reading

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Question #1, Anwar

Although some might agree that Dean is the center on the novel I disagree and believe that he is actually more of Ā an inspiration to Sal than to say that the story revolves around Dean. Deans behavior and lifestyle represents … Continue reading

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Question 6

The concept of home in this novel is determined in different ways. One is when Sal lives with Terry and feels like he has a family and played “house” for a while. Going to new places and seing so many … Continue reading

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