Monthly Archives: April 2013

blog post #6, question 8

This book feels different from other texts we have read because its a memoir. this means that the events in the stories told are actual event and not just a figment of the author’s imagination. the places are real places … Continue reading

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“Women lose their lives not knowing they can do something different. Men eat themselves up believing they have to be the thing they have been made.” (pg.51) It would have been so easy for Dorothy to give up hope and … Continue reading

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Question 8

Two or Three Things I Know For Sure is a memoir, though it is written from the first-person point of view like the autobiographies we have read before, it differs in the fact that it is a collection of stories, … Continue reading

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Question#3, Blog post 6, cindy

In the novel “Two or three things I know for sure by Dorothy Allison”. Allison writes about the female perspective on how men and women are portrayed in her life by saying “Women lose their lives not knowing they can … Continue reading

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Question #3

Gender differences are very complex in their own way. Dorothy Allison writes, “Women lose their lives not knowing they can do something different. Men eat themselves up believing they have to be the thing they have been made.” In simpler terms of … Continue reading

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Blog#6 Quest.#3

“On page 51 of the text, Allison writes, “Women lose their lives not knowing they can do something different. Men eat themselves up believing they have to be the thing they have been made.” Reflect on what this quote means … Continue reading

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Question # 3:

“Women lose their lives not knowing they can do something different. Men eat themselves up believing they have to be the thing they have been made.” I believe this quote deals with gender roles and the idea that were are … Continue reading

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Question 3

Allison writes about the female perspective on how men and women are portrayed in her life by saying “Women lose their lives not knowing they can do something different. Men eat themselves up believing they have to be the thing … Continue reading

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Question #3

In the book, this quote means that the children grow up thinking that they can’t change the ways they were raised. That all they grew up knowing; everthing they saw as “normal” or as”the way things were”, was never going … Continue reading

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“Age, Class and Sex: Women Redefining Difference” by Audre Lorde remind me of this quote “Women lose their lives not knowing they can do something different. Men eat themselves up believing they have to be the thing they have been … Continue reading

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