Monthly Archives: April 2013

Ques #2

We are introduced to Pecola by a third person narrative giving us a view of her physical features as a young black girl, estimated age would be 12. She is from a poor violent household who in regards to society … Continue reading

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Question #3

“Being a minority in both caste and class, we moved about anyway on the hem of life, struggling to consolidate our weaknesses and hang on, or to creep singly up into the major folds of the garment” (pg.17). Morrison is … Continue reading

Posted in Blog Post 7 | 4 Comments

Question 8

“Two or Three things I know for sure” by Dorothy Alison is very different from the other books we have read in class because of its authenticity. Most of the other Books we have read were all fiction, but the … Continue reading

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Question 1

Dorothy childhood is similar to Esperanza and Sally because they both was poor working class. People made fun of their house. Dorothy and Esperanza both fantasize about a better life that would make them happy. The difference in Dorothy home, … Continue reading

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In the novel Two or three things i know for sure by: Dorothy Allison, she explains that woman should first learn to love themselves before anything else can be loved. Woman should also not seek beauty through a mans perspective, … Continue reading

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Blog post 6 Question 1

Both stories The House on Mango street and Two or Three things I know for sure have both simalarities and differences.They are similar in the way that they both talk about their childhood and their dreams and goals for the … Continue reading

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Blog 6 Question 9

In the very beginning of the book when she (Dorothy Allison) and her class get “a substitute teacher right put of college and full of ideas”(pg7). I was extremely intrigued by these four short paragraphs. I felt it set a … Continue reading

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Question 8

This book is definitely different from all the other books we have read.  With a memoir the book is usually past events of the narrator or main character.  In this book we can out ourselves more into the character’s shoes … Continue reading

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Question #1 Blog Post 6

There are a couple of similarities between the two stories, The House on Mango Street and Two or Three Things I Know For Sure, but there are differences also. Sandra Cigneros story takes place in an urban environment and a … Continue reading

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Question #1

In the passage “Two or Three Things I Know for Sure”, she talks about her childhood experience. Also, in “The House on Mango Street”, Esperanza talked about her childhood as well. The main difference between these two passages are that … Continue reading

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