Monthly Archives: February 2013

Question #1

In Audre Lorde “Age, Race, Class, and Sex” she speaks a lot about how women within them selfs would not be treated equal, even tho they were fighting for the same rights some where looked down on while others where … Continue reading

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Question 1

  Audre lorde touched on the subjects of racism and sexism when in her time just like now is still a big issue, many people would say that in the time period we live in now is better evolved from … Continue reading

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Jacques Speaks to David.

Jacques is trying to warn David. He seems to sympathize with with David, and understands what he is going through, because he too went through the same thing during his youth. Jacques has made it clear to David that his greatest regret … Continue reading

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Question #1 post 1

Audre Lorde spoke excellently about “Age, Race, Class, and Sex” she addressed many issues that were occurring in 1980 and unfortunately all of those issues are still present. Racism is among every culture and is still one of the leading … Continue reading

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Question 4

      “The power and the promise and the mystery of that body made me suddenly afraid. The body suddenly seemed the black opening of a cavern in which I would be tortured till madness came, in which I … Continue reading

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“Fit in the Box”

              Audre  Lorde’s quote, For in order to survive, those of us for whom oppression is as american as apple pie have always had to be watchers, to become familiar with the language and manners of the oppressor, even sometimes adopting them for some … Continue reading

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Audre Lorde does give many valid points addressing racism, ageism, sexism etc. But in this time and age i believe that her points are invalid. Woman today are respected more now then back then, they are seen as equals and … Continue reading

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Question 4

The theme of entrapment and flight in Giovanni’s Room, starts out with David living with his father and aunt. During which time he feels detached from his father, and convinces him to allow him to skip college and find a job. … Continue reading

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