Post 4 question 1

Dean may seem like the center of the story, but he pops in and out of the story way to much. Sal on the other hand is a constant thought. But everything does revolve around dean, and women like marylou and camie like him and Sal is feeling like the third wheel like  he use to before Dean showed up. To me Sal is the main character cause his thoughts are crazy with emotion. Sal is like the sun and Dean is like gravity.

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2 Responses to Post 4 question 1

  1. Karandeep,
    I’m intrigued by your simile, “Sal is like the sun and Dean is like gravity.” Can you explain what you mean by this in a bit more detail?

  2. Rocio says:

    Wow. I complete agree with you Karandeep. Dean is not always there but Sal makes it feel like he’s always there because he talks more about Dean than anything else in the story. Love the comparison of Sal and Dean “Sal is like the sun and Dean is like gravity”.

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