Question 5

Dean have the traditional sexuality because he is married to a woman, have a daughter and have a job. In that time period men was suppose to be married to a woman have children and have a job to provide for the family. But he was rejecting the traditional standards by having a mistress and living with her for a while and then impregnating her. Ed Duckel have the traditional sexuality because he marry a girl name Galatea. He rejected the traditional standards by not have the traditional wedding, it was a last minute rush wedding. Sal was rejecting the traditional sexuality standards by not being married or have any children.


Jodi Grant

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2 Responses to Question 5

  1. Jodi,

    You mention that Dean and Ed both have “traditional sexuality,” but is this really true? Although they may have heterosexual relationships with women, in what ways are these relationships “traditional” for their moment and in what ways are they challenging traditions?

  2. Shashe says:

    I agree with Laura, I think that the only thing “traditional” about their sexuality is who they are sexually attracted to, which is considered normal for the time period they are in. I think most of the characters do not have tradional sexualities, for the time they are in and even in general. Dean’s open mariage and Sal’s relationship with Terry aren’t consider traditional.

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