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Candies and Bonbons Week 2 Production

Good Evening Class!

Mariama here! Before I start posting the wonderful pictures I took today, I want to thank each and everyone of you for a wonderful class. Production was very smooth and we had no hiccups except for not receiving the dates but we were still able to turn that negative into a positive thanks to Professor Warner!

This week our groups made Czech and German Chocolate Truffles, Coconut and Almond candy, Apricot and Coconut Rolls, Chili-Choco sweets, Polish Walnut Salami, Apfelkugeln/Apple Balls and Striped Marzipan Candies each group worked as a team and was very efficient in production and other classmates stepped up to help as well.



Polish Walnut Salami


Coconut Almond Candy









Apple Balls 


Chili-Choco Sweets


Apricot and Coconuts Rolls 


Marzipan Striped Candies


German Chocolate Truffles 


German Truffles


Final Presentation and Packaging of Products


P.S if you guys have any additional pictures you will like to share with the class, post them in the comments

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by | September 7, 2017 · 6:52 pm