ENG1101 English Composition I, FA2023

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In class writing

Dear future students of English 1101

English 1101 isn’t just about writing essays, you learn how to write things in a professional writing and it prepares you for the real world. This class is actually a really good way to express yourself in your writing. If you like writing I think this class is perfect for you, I think it’s a necessary class for any major. Some advice I will like to give you guys is to manage your time. Plan your assignments in advance to avoid stress. Break down larger tasks into smaller manageable steps, and aim to complete before deadlines. Create work plans for yourself. Try to avoid procrastinating don’t be like me letting assignments stack on each other and get so stressed. I would also like to advise you guys to take advantage of all the resources our school is open too like the writing center. You guys should also reflect on your writing. Notice your improvements and what you think you should work on. Then revise your writing and make it better as you go. Overall I really enjoyed this class and found it really interesting and helpful. Good luck!!


Revising the unit 2 project that I re-read, had quite a few things I would change or have done differently. Cases where I think I could have explained myself better, not to say I did not, but being a bit more specific on my topic, for example:” why do I want to research my topic?” but not just giving a broad statement or response but being more specific/detailed into why I wanted to this and go more in-depth about what I would want to find out about it. I thought that I could be a bit more specific in my introduction even though it was a good introduction. I also felt like I could have reviewed the analysis grading worksheet and see what’s required to get the best grade on writing the analysis then add to it if needs be for it to be close to perfection. There were also issues with my citations which some of the references weren’t done properly in the correct format as they should be. That was all I think I need to fix in regard to my unit two project.

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