ENG1101 English Composition I, FA2023

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Dear future students, as past student of this English 1101 class, I wanted to take the time out to just share some thoughts and tips to the class. Firstly, I would encourage you to approach this class with drive to work, work ethics and with an open mind. This may not be a class of interest for many, especially people who doesn’t to write a lot but, if you take my word, I implore you that it will definitely improve you and your writing for the future. It helps you to explore various aspects of writing in English. I would encourage you to actively be prepared to engage in class discussions and fun group and class activities. This class id about writing essays and reading essays as well, which help improve your writing and thinking. I also encourage you to always seek feedback from peers and the professor which will be very helpful for you in the class. Also be prepared to expect constructive criticism. Another important aspect of this class is time management. If you don’t manage your time well, then assignments will creep quickly on you. This class requires consistent effort, and dedication. Always take full advantages of resources that are provided to help you. Lastly, just enjoy the class. you guys will have a wonderful professor. Grades might be pressuring, but if you stay focus and consistent you will get over the hurdle. As I sign out, I wish you all the best for your upcoming journey. PEACE OUT.







to the future students of English 1101 this class is very writing intensive. you might seem like its easy at first and you can be motivated to do it, but it gets intensive later on like I did, and it will conflict your other classes to the point you might lose motivation. I think that if you keep this class in your head and take it seriously it will go by before you know it and wang is a good professor.-emilio artiga

Letter to future students

Dear future students

If your thinking about to taking this english class thinking it would be easy, just don’t. My experience with this class is that it challenging to the mind and to understand the work in class and the homework there would be some reading that if not done would heavily impact the way you understand the work. Procrastination on any assignments will hinder your progress Wo I would recommend doing the assignment at your own pace and submitting it before it’s due. Though sometimes you would have to present to the class just know that if you prepared and time yourself on when you can do the assignment you will be able to finish and be less worried about presenting. Take your time and keep tabs on the due that so you don’t stress yourself



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