ENG1101 English Composition I, FA2023

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Homework 12/5

If I had the time to Revise Unit 1, I would work on my time management because I would wait till the last minute to do the job and then stay up all night and then be tired in my other classes. I used to have Physics before the Writing course, and my brain would be all over the place from struggling to keep up with the work. Once I dropped Physics, this class became much easier because I didn’t have to stress as much. But I would have worried less if I had done the work on time. I still need to work on my Procrastination skills.

12/14 Final Reflection

Throughout this course as a reader I learned that observing and truly taking time to read and going through the context of what you’re reading is really important for you since it helps you understand what you’re reading. I feel like I truly developed the skill to understand the context of the text and for me to even have the skill to annotate better as well. As a writer and scholar I learned that i’m capable of writing one hell of a introduction. I feel like I have the power to grab the attention of the reader and make them want to stay and read my piece for what it is. I feel like I am most effective in this part of writing where I believe in my opinion is one of the most important parts in writing its self. You’re job as a writer is too make people want to listen and read you’re piece . So for me being able to have strong introduction’s I feel like I do my job good as a writer because I know how to keep the reader from not being bored. Obviously I have room for improvement in other aspects of my writing like making better analysis’s and having better sources that can back up my writing. These strengths that I have as a reader , writer, and scholar, I will be able to use these advantages in future writing transitions , either in my community or college by obviously putting them to use in future writing assignments. When I put my mind to something I am a quick learner , so me personally anything that I had learned this semester , I would be able to add it too a future writing piece with no problem. I would simply transfer the knowledge I gained this term which was how annotating is a very important piece when reading the text. As well as pacing yourself being one of the most important things to do  when doing a big assignment like we did around unit 3.  Even those type of small things matter when writing , especially for me because I am the definition of a procrastinator. Here I will show one of my introduction’s which I felt was my best introduction. “How do we know if the afterlife is real ? My main focus will be this exact question but many other questions pop up to mind like, What happens to your soul if we so called have one? How do religions compare and contrast on the topic afterlife?  I’ve always wondered since I was little , do I come back alive when I die ? I’ve always hoped to be granted a new body when death arrives. I know how it sounds , a little crazy to some people . I kinda think outside the box on this topic. My guess on after life would be , if one person does good things and meets certain requirements in life you will be granted with another. As well as , if you have done terrible things in one of your past lives you will have a chance to redeem yourself in the next. Many religious people have their own god they worship and believe after life is the real deal . Many people repent their sins , asking their god for forgiveness. I am interested in this question because many do believe in the afterlife and all these religions have their own beliefs on how you get there . True story ,one day my mom went to those card reader’s or fortune teller people , call it whatever you want. As my mother went , my name was brought up and the card reader would bring up me and my siblings personal traits. Specifically the card reader said I had traits of being very strong minded , to be very fierce at times , but very hard headed at the same time. I would say that fits the description very well.  What caught my attention the most is when the card reader said I had these same traits in my previous lives”.I thought this was my best Introduction because I put my personal experience into it and you never know , somebody may be able to relate to it. “Sadly there were issues going on that I thought weren’t major until I saw the grade I had in math. I was on the verge of failing with the 64 percent grade I had. I knew I only had 2 weeks left of school and I didn’t want to let my mom down with the grade I had. My mom is the most important person in my life and just to hear her say “I’m disappointed” or ” you could’ve done better” would actually hurt me. Especially at the age I was, which was 9 years old in the 4th grade. You know how that goes , when you’re young your emotions and feelings can get hurt pretty easily”. This was a piece of introduction  I made in unit 1 and again like I said I feel like in my introductions , I have the power to make people see and feel how I feel. I think this is one of my best strong suits.

Final reflection

During this semester, I have learned a lot about myself as a writer and as student. There were times where I got assignments where I struggled and didn’t know how to start writing and felt confused, but I was able to persevere and get a good grade as well. My least favorite assignment was homework 9/7. This homework had us picture an incident that changed our view on education and to describe the scene. I don’t have a good memory and I am not a very detail-oriented person so it was hard for me to write all the details I could from the experience I had years ago. Something that I have learned about myself as a writer/scholar this semester is that I am a good writer I just have to focus on certain aspects of my writing in order to be even better. What I can work on is learning how to incorporate quotes in my writing and also learning how to properly cite. The techniques I have learned in this class are definitely going to be used in my other classes. For example, the IQIAA method which teaches you when and how you can use and introduce quotes in your writing. Another thing I will be using to my advantage is the grammar workshops we did. I will use the sheets we were given in class in order to properly write any papers in the future and fix my grammar mistakes in order to be more articulate.

As a student, I have always felt like my writing was missing something. I never knew what exactly but it just felt like I never wrote my very best. As the semester kept progressing and we kept getting more assignments, this feeling didn’t exactly change but I was starting to see a pattern in my writing. I always have trouble starting my papers but as soon as I have a clear outline on what I’m going to write and how, I am able to write a lot and consistently. After noticing this, I now know that in order for me to start writing a paper is to have an outline and plan out how exactly I want to introduce my points in the paper. This way I can find adequate evidence and feel like my points are backed up and are not missing any key ideas. Another thing I want to work on for future assignments is my conclusion. Every time I write a paper I feel like my conclusion is the weakest part of it. I have trouble wrapping up the essay without repeating myself a lot of times and making it boring for the reader. For my RAB, I was struggling with writing my conclusion. I had said, ” I think I might need a little help with my conclusion but I hope to get some feedback that can help me when we do peer review.” In the end, I was able to get some feedback which helped me a lot because I ended up getting a 5/5 on my conclusion. I do believe that when I get feedback and or some pointers on my writing it helps me do better because many times there are things in my writing that I don’t notice but others do.

My experience revising assignments was very enlightening. It was surprising to see the little things I missed on my papers that my peers noticed or my professor noticed that I didn’t. For example, in my annotated bibliography I failed to correctly cite many sources. The correct way was supposed to be MLA and I cited in APA instead. It made me see that I need to pay more attention to my work and revise everything before turning anything in. At the beginning of the semester, for one of the homeworks we had to read an article and a response to it and how we could use the skills we read about. I had said, “Something Bunn did in his writing that I want to try to do in my own writing is starting my essay with a question or a quote that gives context or is related to what my piece is going to be about. This way I can capture the reader’s attention and prompt them to read more.” WHile revising my assignments, I realized that this is something I failed to do in my papers. I kind of did it in my RAB but I didn’t do it more often. I would like to try this technique in my future writing in order to find better ways to get my reader’s attention.


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