ENG1101 English Composition I, FA2023

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Late Hw-10/19

Source#2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=7&v=libKVRa01L8&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bing.com%2F&embeds_referring_origin=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bing.com&source_ve_path=MjM4NTE&feature=emb_title

This video gives us basic knowledge about the solar system and goes into depth more about the planets. For example, the sun is at the center of our solar system, providing heat and light to all the planets. The eight planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Each planet has unique characteristics that make it distinct from the others. For example, Mercury is the closest planet to the sun and has a very thin atmosphere. Venus is known for its thick atmosphere composed mainly of carbon dioxide. Earth is our home planet and supports a diverse range of life forms. Mars has long fascinated scientists due to its potential for hosting life in the past or future. Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system and has a distinctive striped appearance caused by its turbulent atmosphere. Saturn is famous for its beautiful rings made up of ice particles and dust. Uranus and Neptune are gas giants with icy atmospheres that give them their blue color. While I watched the video was, I wasn’t shocked as once again this was basic knowledge that most kids were taught in elementary school, but I was fascinated again because I did forget most of this information. In this case since it was a YouTube video, I can’t really say much about writing but the way she spoke about the planets and went to detail about all of them was good. Her tone of voice and the way the information was presented was clear and understandable. The purpose of her speaking this way was to get the information and details across with understanding for all audiences. National Geographic is aimed at everyone who is willing to learn in general. National Geographic’s decision to focus on the STEM genre, specifically planets and our solar system, is a testament to their commitment to education and exploration. The choice of this topic reflects the organization’s recognition of the immense scientific value and public interest surrounding space exploration. As humans continue to venture into space with aspirations of colonization or resource extraction from other celestial bodies, understanding our own solar system becomes paramount. National Geographic’s focus on this topic allows them to contribute valuable knowledge that can aid in these endeavors. National Geographic’s choice to dive into the STEM genre regarding planets and our solar system is driven by their dedication to education, fascination with space exploration, and recognition of its scientific importance. By shedding light on these topics through their renowned platform, they continue to inspire generations while advancing human knowledge about the universe we inhabit.

Late HW->10/17

Source#1: Mohon, Lee. “NASA Telescopes Discover Record-Breaking Black Hole.” NASA, NASA, 6 Nov. 2023, www.nasa.gov/missions/chandra/nasa-telescopes-discover-record-breaking-black-hole/.

This article talks about the discovery of a new black hole that was discovered using x-ray signals. Upon the discovery the scientists realized that compared to all the other black holes they’ve come upon this one is super massive comparable to the stars in terms of weight. Upon reading this I was shocked that a black hole can have weight compared to the stars within its galaxy. I was shocked about this because I remember in my earth science class in high school that most black holes typically weight less than the star it formed from. The more I learned about the way a black hole functions the more I became intrigued about space because I didn’t know it was possible for black holes to really have the mass of stars and on top of that it was supermassive. This kind of information always makes me happy while nervous because you never really know what goes on in space. While I was reading this, I made sure to pay attention to Mr. Mohon writing style and use of words. The writing style that I noticed sounded very informative and it was able to continue to captivate the audience. The purpose of the author writing this way was to explain the importance of NASA’s groundbreaking research regarding a black hole that was not only massive, but this time weigh almost the same size as the stars within the galaxy something that is unheard of. I believe the author is credible because after I read the article, I researched more information about Lee Mohon and as it turns out he is NASA’s top contributor especially when it comes to writing articles. I think the genre that the author chose was a good choice for the audience because it can share information with those who are really interested in science and space or just like to learn new things regarding the universe and galaxy that we live in. Another reason I think why the genre that the author chose was good for the audience is because it can showcase his credibility and share his knowledge with those who might also pursue science in the future or who also might be an astronaut. His choice for this genre provides a lot of positive possibilities for the audience if they are motivated by the information that was learned from this article. “Bogdan’s team has found strong evidence that the newly discovered black hole was born massive. Its mass is estimated to fall between 10 and 100 million Suns, based on the brightness and energy of the X-rays.”

The final post!

Dear students,

Thank you for such a wonderful semester together. I’ve had a blast getting to know everyone and appreciate the opportunity to be your teacher. I hope can walk away from this class with a new perspective and understanding around writing and personal expression.

Here’s a recap of any last-minute work you’ll want to get in by tomorrow (12/20 midnight) and how much they are worth for your grade:

  • Participation assignments (25%), which include:
    • OpenLab posts – all of the OpenLab assignments are posted here
    • Your Perusall readings and annotations, of which there are eight total readings
  • Revisions of your Unit 1 personal essay (20%)
  • Revisions of your Unit 2 Reflective Annotated Bibliography (20%)
  • Revisions of your Unit 3 project and Artist Statement (20%)
  • Your Final Reflection, which was due 12/14 (10%)
  • Revisions of your “Later” assignment, which include the post for 9/21, a re-reading plan, and the post for 9/28 (5%)

I will have candy for those coming to today’s optional class!

Have a healthy and restful holiday break. Good luck with all your future pursuits – I wish each and every one of you success in whatever you put your mind to. Don’t hesitate to reach out in the future if I can be of help!


Professor Annie

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