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RLW Homework -8/31/23

Gabriella Leon

After Reviewing “How to Read like a writer” by Mike Bunn , when i hear “you are already a author” i believe that it means that i already know how to write its just a matter of discovering these skills and learning when it is appropriate to apply them. Learning Writing styles is a prime example of learning specific skills that improve your writing. Personally,i write in a journal on a daily basis.In this journal i write my inner thoughts,emotions,goals,anything you can think of really..i use my journal as a form to express myself. In this journal i talk in a matter of second hand person point of view,if somebody were to read it they’d think i was talking to them.Over the years i have mastered the skill of perspective in my writing and realized how much of a difference it provides for a reader.I have a spam on Instagram i usually make posts and rant about random subjects,using polls to hear opinions from my followers , silly things mostly. although the prompt is asking for me i have a special friend Rihanna that writes the most captivating journal entries on her Instagram ,even hearing her speak she has a way with her words tending to grasp your attention for however long she speaks.Its like you feel like she is personally speaking to you when she writes and i love that feeling. The skills that Rihanna and i have acquired will allow us to hold the attention of readers .That an extremely helpful talent.The way i write in my journal or on my spam page helps me to identify the tone of whatever i’m reading and the tone can help me understand things that i don’t quite know. For example if i can identify that the tone of the text seems gloomy or depressing,if i don’t know a specific word i can use the context skills and mood to pin point it has something to do with sadness.

Something that i noticed in Bunns article that i would like to apply in my writing is how to understand a text based on the genre.In the article Bunn states, ” Because the conventions for each genre can be very different ( who ever hard of a 900 page newspaper article?) techniques that are effective for one genre may not work in another ” i feel like once you learn to differentiate the genres within writing you can fully learn how to thoroughly read through a text.i want to learn how to properly use a technique and which texts they would specially work for and ones that they don’t.

read and write like a writer

when he says you are already an author I think he means that you already wrote your own work It doesn’t matter if is it in an essay or just an email you already did your writing in your life before and that makes you some kind of author and that will help you think like a writer and that would make easier for student or any persons to write and read like a writer and that’s why I think he says that.  Something I wrote before is a story I’m trying to create as it fantasy fiction book I’m trying to write it about a lot of magical creatures and I wrote a lot of character descriptions for my book and I wrote a lot of essays.  Yes, that writing experience will help me in college because I’m already used to writing and that would make it a lot easier for me when I’m writing essays or any other kind of work that would give me less stress and that would make taking and understand and passing the class a lot easier for me and that would make enjoy writing more and enjoying the class and staying for case in class more.

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