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Homework 10/24, Conclusion

All things considered i truly stand on believing that Abortion is healthcare and should be every women’s given right. Throughout this paper it is demonstrated that abortion should not be deemed the easy way out but should be considered to be an advantageous choice for all parties involved.It appears that in contrast to that point that “pro lifers’ have a defense in the tone of “an easy decision does not mean its the right decision” but they are looking it completely different. That may seem reasonable to some but in generality i believe that just because a decision can be “uncomfortable” or hard, does not mean it was the wrong decision either.Anti-abortion laws do not only affect pro choice women ,they affect every women with a uterus that contains the chance of pregnancy. Women who have lost pregnancies they literally wanted have been penalized by the circumstances of anti-abortion laws.Motherhood is a huge journey and commitment that not everybody may be ready for and that should be their choice.Not every body is prepared to go through the motions of pregnancy and should be offered abortion as a form to healthily save their life and do what is best for their mind and body.You can not be pro life and only vouch for certain lives.Pregnancy is not only about the embryo in that women’s stomach,its also about the women carrying it. I will keep saying this until ignorance is silenced,Abortion is health care.

final source entry, Homework 10/19

Source 3: Tiktok.

3A) https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8kXM2uC/ ,user : Daejahraymond 4/17/23

3B) https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8kX2xBb/ , user: Srongtherapy- Jess 5/5/23

3C) https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8kXDN5k/ , user : erin_nurse_practitioner 12/17/22

3D) https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8kXBAEJ/ , user : mummy’sflippinhouse – Caroline 1/16/22

Summary: These 4 different videos provide strong points behind the importance of abortion. 2/4 of the videos provide arguments against pro “lifers”, lifers in quotations because how can you be pro-life but completely disregard the being that is carrying it. The other 2 videos are women who can firsthand tell the process they went through within an abortion. These women tell us that yes of course abortion was a difficult decision to make but it was what was best for them and that unborn child at the given time. All videos push listeners to understand that a decision being difficult does not make it the wrong one. Not everything that is best for you is going to feel perfect. Abortion is a tough choice, and it can take such a huge toll on a womans physical and mental health so no, women aren’t just doing backflips and partying about terminating a chance to be a mother. With the anti-abortion laws that have already been passed in certain places, do you know how many women have been told that they cannot be helped and must risk their living life to carry a child? Carrying to terms the life that pro-lifers fight so hard for, she can lose hers and that’s what they fail to fight for because if they really cared for a life, they would account for all of them.

Rhetorical analysis/opinion:

In the beginning of the video in Source 3c, a woman by the name of Kristan Hawkins

Is going on about how even if its not born yet it has living cells so it’s a living person and abortion is murder. She says specifically in the caption of the video before it gets stitched that, “No one should get to personally decide when a human gets personhood. Science says a human life begins at fertilization and EVERY human deserves equal rights”. The creator Erin that stitched the video uses Hawkin’s logic and explains why it’s faulty and adds in a point she has yet to see a profiler validly debunk and I completely agree with her. Saying that it’s a life because it has growing cells would be incorrect considering that DNA lives for thousands of years even after somebody dies, so if were using the living cell object, should somebody not be pronounced dead just because their DNA cells are still living? Exactly.

In source 3b, the creator Jess brings awareness to a case in Oklahoma who had lost her pregnancy. Unfortunately, due to the anti-abortion laws recently pushed in her state she was told there was nothing that could be done for her and had to go into the parking lot and wait to be in critical condition to ask for immediate help. The sad part is, she wanted this pregnancy. Anti-abortion laws affect every single female.Jess emphasizes the point here. How can you be so pro-life and push laws that make it appropriate for situations like this to occur? and it definitely isn’t the only time something like that has happened. The more anti-abortion is pushed the more women will be at risk for losing the life they have already built just to keep one that can be remade. Losing a child is sad but you can always make another one, but there is no restart button for that woman.

Not only is it physically harming to these women, but it is mentally scarring. Imagine being in excruciating pain that can be helped but because of an opinionated law you have no choice but to suffer through something that has time and time again been proven to have an effective and advantageous solution.

Sources 3a and 3d give us a firsthand perspective and experiences of woman that have had abortions which I believe holds the highest importance in this topic. In 3a Daejah Raymond says something that I think is so very crucial to think about when deciding to have an abortion. It is not just about you or just about the father or the child. It is about everyone and if it is not fair to any party in the slightest then the pregnancy should not continue. I believe this is where the quote “it takes a village to raise a child” comes into play here. According to National center for Biotechnology,

“The phrase “it takes a village to raise a child” originates from an African proverb and conveys the message that it takes many people (“the village”) to provide a safe, healthy environment for children, where children are given the security they need to develop and flourish, and to be able to realize their hopes and dreams. This requires an environment where children’s voices are taken seriously (2) and where multiple people (the “villagers”) including parents, siblings, extended family members, neighbors, teachers, professionals, community members and policy makers, care for a child. All these ‘villagers’ may provide direct care to the children and/or support the parent in looking after their children.”

If you take the time to maturely think about your pregnancy you will understand the fact that a child is not just a baby, this is a lifetime commitment. The sleepless nights, the crying that feels like it won’t stop, the responsibility behind raising an entire human being in general. It all lies on your shoulders now. This is your creation and your daily job, no breaks. Motherhood is already tough within itself so if you go forward with a pregnancy knowing it is something you are not ready for the only person you hurt in the process is that child, and that wouldn’t be very pro-life now would it? It 3d Caroline shares a personal experience from an abortion she had when she was 19 years old she now has children of her own and does not regret her decision now in the long run even though it was a tough decision for her to make at the time. She went through the motions and refelected on her decision over the years and vouched how it saved not only her life but the life of that child. She knew at that time she wouldn’t be able to be the best mom she could be, so she didn’t risk it. She waited and now she’s the best mom she can be and that’s what it is all about. Only do it when you’re ready, not because it’s what everybody is telling you it’s what you should do. Abortion is healthcare, mental and physical.

Key quotes

“People think that you go into abortions like yay fuck them kids and sometimes it is but for me it’s like abortion was a need not a want but a need. I didn’t want to do it, but when you’re put into that position you have to be like is it fair to all parties involved including the one I’m growing inside of me you know?, and if the answer is no if it’s even a slight chance of no then you have to reflect— I know I made the right decision but it doesn’t make it hurt any less” 3a Daejah Raymond.

“so a woman in Oklahoma had a miscarriage, a non-viable pregnancy. She lost a pregnancy that was wanted and the doctors told her because of the anti-abortion laws in place that there was nothing they could do for her and she had to go outside the hospital and wait in the parking lot to bleed out. But tell me more about how you’re pro life” 3b- Jess

“ The dead end that I meet with pro-lifers is they love to say that life begins at conception, but they cannot list the characteristics that need to be present in order for that life to be preserved” 3c Erin

“I’m sure we can all agree that we have organ donation programs and people are brain dead and we harvest their organs, and we give them away. You know people that argue well there’s a heartbeat, Well that heart can be put in somebody else’s body, is that person still alive ? No. Is it because DNA is present? OfCourse not because when you die your DNA is still alive for who knows how long , a pretty long time” 3c Erin

“I always argue that it should be the brain. You cannot harvest your brain. You cannot transfer your brain into somebody else. Your brain is what makes you uniquely you. Your lived experience, your personhood. So before a fetus ever has a brain, they are just cells, tissue, DNA. They are on a path to become a human, but they are not even close” 3c Erin.

“ I had an abortion when I was 19 years old and that is 14 years ago now. I actually don’t think about it that much anymore now especially now that I have my own kids. I used to think about it a lot and cry when I was younger—-now I have my own children and I give them like the best life ever .I know that I wouldn’t have been capable then and it makes me think about it less now because I know I made the best decision . I just wanted to show because I know there are people who maybe just had one are that are going through it and they just wonder if they’ll ever feel better about it or they like know they made the right decision and im telling you 14 years later I know that was the best decision for me.

As expressed, multiple times in this paper in various ways abortion should be legalized. It is healthcare and whether you would like to have an abortion or not, anti-abortion laws will affect all women point blank. The women who have went through it have already made it clear yes it was a tough process but it was beneficial for them in the long run and they maturely understood it would be better to commit to motherhood when ready and provide a healthy and happy life to the child instead of the minimum to what they had to offer momentarily. The termination of a pregnancy should be a choice considering the risks pregnancy may cause you. It is more of a responsible decision than an easy way out and women should always have the option that is best for them available, that is what real prolife looks like.

Homework 10/12

After extensive research, with the key terms “social media and teens” and “social media and mental health”. I’ve decided to continue with the research question “Does social media affect teenagers negatively” The impact of social media on teenagers has been a topic of concern and discussion for several years. Although some positive attributes, such as opportunities for connection and self-expression exist, the negative effects of excessive social media use on teenagers’ mental health and self-esteem cannot be ignored. The constant exposure to social media platforms can increase anxiety, depression, and stress among teenagers. Social media platforms often create negative emotions, leading to feelings of loneliness and isolation. Social media often provides more access to bullying, which can lead to a range of mental health problems. It also can create poor notions of body image among teenagers. Unrealistic beauty standards are all over social media feeds, and the desire to achieve an unattainable look results in body dysmorphia and low self-esteem that turn into unhealthy eating habits and dangerous dieting practices. In some tragic cases, social media has even encouraged self-harming behavior and suicidal thoughts. I want to discuss this topic since I’ve witnessed these effects of social media not only on myself but on many of the people I care about and I recognize that the effects that I’ve seen and experienced do not even come close to half of some of the more dangerous and detrimental effects other teenagers are going through. Social media platforms are responsible for ensuring that their users are not exposed to harmful content, but this usually goes ignored. Ultimately, not all teenagers are equally impacted by social media, and experiences vary based on the individual. The goal should not be to stop teens from using social media but to encourage responsible and safe social media use to reduce the potential negative impacts on teens.

Associate, K. S. (2020, October 12). Social media use and self-harm behaviors in adolescents. Https://Www.Goguardian.Com/. https://www.goguardian.com/research-and-insights/social-media-use-and-self-harm-behaviors-in-adolescents

se_admin. (2022, December 1). The effect of social media on body image in teen girls. Solstice East. https://solsticeeast.com/blog/the-effect-of-social-media-on-body-image-in-teen-girls/

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