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Category: Unit 3 Homework (Page 8 of 28)

Artist Statement 11/30

I first became Interested in this topic in High school because I had a class about financial advisement. Money has always interested me since I was young because I used to love to buy candy. I aim to help college people like me prepare for their financial future. Transitioning from high school to college is difficult because you must pay for books and tuition. If you don’t have financial aid, it can be challenging. Even with financial support, it is hard. You are already stressing about your classes. It would help if you didn’t have to be stressing over money. You have to pay to get here. Being in college drains you. You are working to get a degree for a job you might not even call when you graduate, or it might not even pay well. Getting a job is even more complex because you work part-time and attend school; you need more time to do your work or study.
I chose a questionnaire and a slide show to show the answers because it’s easier and less time-consuming. I only ask ten questions, and based on the people’s answers out of 10, I say what slide they are. They have to click the link and answer the questions on Google Forms.
While doing the project, the Professor guided us on what to do. She sent us a work plan. It asked who the audience was, and I chose college kids. I said I was writing about finance. It asked us about our strengths and weaknesses. What environment do you work best in? These were good questions because they helped me prepare and know where I work best. I aimed to develop slides based on the answers people got out of 10. From November 7th to November 9th, I planned what to do. Then, from November 9th to November 11th, I did research. From November 12th to November 14th, I set up the Google slides and the Google presentation. From November 12th to November 21st, I finalized it.
The presentation went well. Everyone listened, and I did it in a reasonable amount of time. I did not have that much time to finish it because I was focused on doing other things. I had to make some questions realistic; some people need to learn more about financial wealth. But, I had to find a way to put the information that I learned from my autobiography and how it might help them in the future. I kept the same idea. I knew what I wanted to do and how to execute it. I just looked at other quizzes and searched questions you should ask yourself if you are ready for life financially.
It turned out good. My presentation needed 1 or 2 corrections, but I was active and presented. I changed the background and made sure all my questions had a picture to go with it. I asked more questions as we went along besides we went on. If given all the time, money, and expertise, I would have done a TED talk with other rich people with extraordinary wealth like me and have young people come for free because this is an essential part of life. People are now struggling to pay rent and have a full-time job. Rich people speak about their wealth works because they have the proof or evidence to support their talk. No one wants to hear a broken man on the street talking about money because it isn’t realistic. If you go into McDonald’s and a worker asks you how you are doing financially and are set in life, you will look at him like he is crazy, but if Jeff Bezos comes up to you asking, you will be all ready to hear his advice ho,w to better your life. I’m happy I got to share what I found. If it doesn’t help my audience now, it will help them later in life. Hopefully, they remember what I said, see interest in the topic, and go home and do more research. I am educated in doing this because it was a lot of research and planning for my autobiography, then doing a presentation on what we learned to see if we could tell others what we learned. I would use this college project when I’m at my job and newcomers need advice on how to spend money. I want to be an electrician, and they make a lot of money, so I would tell people to save six months ahead and have money set aside for when something happens. Tell them to work on their credit to get a good house and car.


One way I would revise my unit two essays is to I  would  like to spend a little more doing more research paper on the topic I picked, I say that because I feel like my research paper could have been stronger if I had spent more time finding evidence and looking at the topic it could have been a lot stronger and that one thing I would change on my units 2 paper

Homework 12/7

To revise my Unit 1 essay i would just be making minor adjustments and proofreading thoroughly before handing in. I touched this on my last homework assignment when i mentioned that i struggle with a balance between pro & pre-crastinating resulting in a difference of quality in my final submissions. At the time of my assignment even though i did get a good grade i could’ve got a perfect grade if i fixed little things which is something i can add on to my future work. My classmates provided nice comments which made me confident in my work. There is not much i would do to improve my essay ,i did a pretty good job honestly.

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