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Category: Unit 1 Homework (Page 3 of 33)

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As a child, I was captivated by the mysteries of the universe and had an insatiable curiosity about space. The vastness of the cosmos fascinated me, and I yearned to understand its secrets. What influenced me to want to know more about space was the portrayals in tv shows. I always wondered how people were able to depict space within their tv shows. Of course, nowadays it is easier to have access to images and videos, but it was more than that.Ā The idea that there were countless other worlds beyond our own ignited my imagination and sparked a desire to explore. Moreover, learning about space opened up a whole new realm of knowledge for me. It introduced concepts like gravity, black holes, and planetary systems that allowed my young mind to think beyond what was familiar. I found myself constantly seeking answers to questions such as how stars are formed or what lies beyond the edge of the universe. Additionally, space exploration represented human ingenuity at its finest. This for me could be one reason why science is very important to not just me but to everybody. Science allows us to discover knowledge about the world we live in and what is potentially far beyond this world. In a way it gives reason to everything except for magic but that’s something for a different day.Ā  My curiosity has changed over the years however I would say for the better because there’s still a lot to learn and every day, we discover something that we never knew before. The education system sometimes helps in a way because they encourage us to learn about the things we could be interested in or passionate about. In conclusion, my interest in learning about space as a child stemmed from a combination of awe-inspiring visuals, intellectual stimulation, and admiration for human achievement. Space became an endless source of wonderment for meā€”a gateway to infinite possibilities waiting to be explored. Twin cool


Mitchell, Travis. ā€œ7. How Religion May Affect Educational Attainment: Scholarly Theories and Historical Background.ā€ Pew Research Centerā€™s Religion & Public Life Project, Pew Research Center, 13 Dec. 2016, www.pewresearch.org/religion/2016/12/13/how-religion-may-affect-educational-attainment-scholarly-theories-and-historical-background/.

in this article, the author talks about the earlier age of religion and the early age of education, and how all different religions help religion improve and affect education. the author talks about how all the different religions help education improve in some kind of way. because the Islam religion helps to improve mathematics astronomy, philosophy, medicine, and poetry. the Islamic religion always thought they would learn more about the universe they would get closer to god and all the other religions were big friends of education the people who followed their religion to learn more and get an understanding of the universe.
I think this article talks about the idea of religion in the classroom we all want to see how the religion that wants us to learn more about the universe and learn about the things we don’t understand. and not the way it is being implemented in the school system in the present and to hate everything we don’t understand and the distrust of science and scientists. because a lot of scientists are going against the idea of a god being real and a lot of religious leaders hate that. but the idea that is being talked about in this article and how religion was being thought in the past and the way it helped education is something really like, the way being thought right now is something I really hate because they just want control but not helping people.Ā  but it is not all the religion’s fault it is the people in power that are using religion who have been using religion as a weapon against their own people to kipe a lot of them down and to stop asking a lot of questions and to have somebody to blame like the devil.

“Early Muslims made innovative intellectual contributions in such fields as mathematics, astronomy, philosophy, medicine, and poetry. They established schools, often at mosques, known as katatib and madrasas.31″


1 draft

I remember it just like it yesterday when I found it hard to focus in school: every second in class made my life miserable and every second of me writing notes made my life miserable.Ā  I found all the subjects mad boring and never got my attention in class because when I sat in a chair in class at 1 pm on a cold winter afternoon the teacher kept talking and talking. and me looking out the window and seeing nobody outside in the street and looking at the clock every second each time l look through it seems time went by slower and COVID happened and I thought it would change my mind but it made it harder for me to focus because I was not paying attention in class I was just in my phone or playing video game on my phone every day I have class and it made harder for me.

I remember one that had gipe my attention since I was younger was a movie and TV show because I found that stuff interesting. cause of the way the actors act and the script and every single detail the director and the film crew put in the movie to make it more interesting.Ā  I never had to force myself to watch a movie or a TV show I remember the day my mind changed on the way I could learn in school. it was a cold winter at 2 pm in the afternoon and I was washing my favorite TV show on the World Once Upon a Time because it is a show I can wash every I remember a small amount of sunlight passing through my window and hitting my brother wall and a small aĀ  reflection hit the window and somebody texts me and I went to pick my phone on the floor next to my water bottle and my sandal.Ā  and I heard one of the characters mention a way they pay attention is and find something they found interesting about the topic and research the thing they found interesting it would make it easier to gipe the information.Ā  and start to more and I started to do that in science and history and that made and that made class way easier for me to understand the subject more each time I went to YouTube or find a documentary or a movie or TV show about the subject to help me study better and understand it more. and that is how movies and TV shows changed my view on education because they taught me more than one way to learn and get information you just need to find the best option that works for and that was movies and tv shows for me.


but that not the only thing that change my change pion of my view piont of educationĀ  was my engilsh teacher in 10 and 11 grade. because of the stori they made use i had got my education and made me fall in love with stori e and it made me want to right my own stori in the future. because the way they writeĀ  they characterĀ  and the way and the way they call back to the smalest detail and made it important later on and how some story change people life and i wanted to do that to and that made me forcuse more in english class and it made want lo learn more about writing evan through my wirting is horible but i still want to write and improve my writing. and that how my view on edution change.

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