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Category: Discussions (Page 6 of 133)


to the future students of English 1101 this class is very writing intensive. you might seem like its easy at first and you can be motivated to do it, but it gets intensive later on like I did, and it will conflict your other classes to the point you might lose motivation. I think that if you keep this class in your head and take it seriously it will go by before you know it and wang is a good professor.-emilio artiga

Letter to future students

Dear future students

If your thinking about to taking this english class thinking it would be easy, just don’t. My experience with this class is that it challenging to the mind and to understand the work in class and the homework there would be some reading that if not done would heavily impact the way you understand the work. Procrastination on any assignments will hinder your progress Wo I would recommend doing the assignment at your own pace and submitting it before it’s due. Though sometimes you would have to present to the class just know that if you prepared and time yourself on when you can do the assignment you will be able to finish and be less worried about presenting. Take your time and keep tabs on the due that so you don’t stress yourself



In class writing

Dear future students of English 1101

English 1101 isn’t just about writing essays, you learn how to write things in a professional writing and it prepares you for the real world. This class is actually a really good way to express yourself in your writing. If you like writing I think this class is perfect for you, I think it’s a necessary class for any major. Some advice I will like to give you guys is to manage your time. Plan your assignments in advance to avoid stress. Break down larger tasks into smaller manageable steps, and aim to complete before deadlines. Create work plans for yourself. Try to avoid procrastinating don’t be like me letting assignments stack on each other and get so stressed. I would also like to advise you guys to take advantage of all the resources our school is open too like the writing center. You guys should also reflect on your writing. Notice your improvements and what you think you should work on. Then revise your writing and make it better as you go. Overall I really enjoyed this class and found it really interesting and helpful. Good luck!!

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