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Category: Discussions (Page 18 of 133)

Homework 11/2

For Unit 3, I want to educate my audience not to trust nor believe everything posted on social media by celebrities and influencers. In 2023 we live in an era in which a lot of companies and brands are willing to pay large sums of money to celebrities and influencers to promote their products. Many of them are not always legit, safe, or beneficial for the consumer as they are market. Many people admire and follow celebrities and influencers as they portray themselves as successful and well-positioned in life. Studies and research have proven there’s psychological and behavioral evidence that people seem to trust the familiar faces of celebrities and influencers and are easily persuaded to purchase products and lifestyles promoted by such. Many of these products, and lifestyles are not healthy nor beneficial for the masses. The sums offered by brands and their marketing budgets are very persuasive. Social media personalities are constantly willing to make a profit, putting aside the responsibility they own to their fanbases as they would not be known without them. My goal is to raise awareness that not all celebrities and influencers are as honest, educated, and real as they seem to be. And their lives are far from perfect. And that the products they endorse are not holy grails, nor life savers.

My audience is young people and teenagers as they’re more sensitive to the influence of celebrities and influencers.

The genre I’d like to use would be Teen Vogue Magazine, as it already has an audience of young people.

My plan would first start by telling the readers about the importance of educating themselves using legitimate sources. Later, would show them stories of people who have purchased products and services and have been lied to, misinformed, and betrayed. After that show them how there are really not enough laws and policies that hold celebrities and influencers accountable, nor laws that protect the consumer.

I feel like I might struggling to set everything up with my bibliography since I will have to research new data that will be more accurate for my audience.

Homework 10/26

The annotated bibliography has been a fun and exciting process. I have dived into a topic I’ve been curious about for a while. Had to redirect my project many times to properly bring the question and its’ research to life. As my curiosity overextends a lot of the current data and information there is available to the people. But adjusting it to fit audiences that do not have the same curiosity as I do. Has been an interesting experience.

I think where I have taken it is been working but wish I could fully pursue my other perspectives on this topic. I feel proud that after all the research, reading, watching, and writing. I’m happy to have formulated this idea.

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