A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Category: Intro (Page 1 of 4)

Welcome to class!

These first few days of classes can feel intimidating, confusing, and overwhelming. What’s a student to do?

I’ll let you in on a pro tip. College (and life, in general) gets easier when you find community. My hope is that you can find some of that support and community right here, in this class.

So let’s get to know each other!

Please take some time to WRITE a new post and introduce yourself. Your post should include:

  • Your preferred name and, if you’re comfortable with sharing, your pronouns (If you do not feel comfortable sharing pronouns, we will address you/refer to you in class by your chosen name.)
  • One word that describes how you’re feeling about this course as we get started. No need to explain, but you can if you want to. 
  • Talk about your study skills. What works for you and what doesn’t? What do you need to learn how to do better?
  • Share any worries, concerns, reactions to the readings and/or to being a student… whatever you want to. No censoring… except keep it kind of clean, please ;-).
  • Bonus: A picture from your summer (or something that reminds you of this summer). Explain to us what’s happening and why you chose it – why does it mean something to you?

Check back in to get to know your peers and comment on each other’s posts! I’ve added a post of my own to help break the ice:

Hi! My name is Annie (pronouns she/her).

I’m feeling invigorated about this class. This will be my first time teaching at City Tech, and I’m looking forward to spending time together this semester and sharing our writing with one another.

I find that I always study best when I’m actively taking notes and keeping track of my questions. I need to personally be better at getting on top of my schedule and not procrastinating.

The photo below is from one my favorite memories this summer. My friends and I woke up at 7am to jump into Lake Michigan to commemorate the start of a 10-day roadtrip that took us from Chicago to Denver, by way of Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, Montana, and Wyoming. We swam in two Great Lakes and hiked in three national parks. The trip meant a lot to me because I was able to experience a lot of new “firsts” – and it makes me excited to experience this class for the “first” time with all of you!

Hi, I am Lacey

Hi, I am Lacey. This is my second semester here at City Tech. I am from Trinidad and Tobago originally and currently live in Brooklyn.

I am excited to start and be part of this class. I look forward to the different literature we will be exposed to and the topics we will have to write about. I love reading, learning new things and expressing myself true my writing.

I love taking notes and making notes from the relevant textbooks but as the work piles on this become difficult to maintain. I hope to find more balance this semester to ultimately get better grades.

This summer was relaxing and filled of many memories I made with family and friends. This is picture of my visit to Washington DC with my family 2 weeks ago. This trip was very educational, and we visited most of the sites, but I still have to make it to Capitol Hill so maybe on my next trip.


Hi it’s me Tariq

Hey, it’s me Tariq

This year is the start of my freshman year of college at City Tech. When it comes to this class, I would say that I am feeling rather anxious because it is a new environment for me. Even though it is a change of environment I will adapt and make new friends. I also want some new opportunities.

When it comes to studying, I find myself doing good when I listen to music and in my own space. I need to improve on time management because I procrastinate or if I’m bored or tired I would stop studying and do something else.



  1. In regard to this English Composition class, I do feel excited to be a part of it.
  2. My study skill is that make notes of important stuff on study cards.
  3. I would like to improve on my time management and also how to work around noise and distraction.



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