A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Category: Unit 1.5: Difficulty Paper – “Later” (Page 9 of 20)

Homework due 9/28


WRITE: Continue revising your Unit 1 essay based on feedback you got from your peer review and 1:1 meeting (reminder: it’s due Sept. 28). You don’t need to email it to me unless you’d like me to review your in-progress work. Feel free to schedule more time with me if you’d like to chat!

REREAD and ANNOTATE: Using your plan for re-reading as a guide, re-read (and annotate in a different color than the first time) “Later.” Find it on Perusall or download the PDF here.

WRITE: When you’re done, write an Open Lab post of approximately 300 words about what you learned from rereading. Again, be specific, quoting from the text!

Remember that the 3-part difficulty paper (1. 300 words on what you found difficult or confusing, 2. Plan for rereading and 3. 300-word reflection after rereading) is worth 5% of your grade.

My plan to re-read in class activity 09/21/23

My plan to take when re-reading the article is to read in a quiet environment, and also take breaks in between when I feel like it’s too long or boring. I choose this as my plan because, I think taking breaks will help me my mind to relax a bit and not taking in too much at once, also gives my mind to process the information. Secondly is because, if I am in a quiet place then I won’t find myself having anyone to disturb me or find any type of distractions, such as device, sounds and also, people.

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