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Category: Unit 1.5: Difficulty Paper – “Later” (Page 7 of 20)

rereading 9/27

As I reread the passage it wasn’t much different, but I think it’s because I had already given up and trying to look deeper into it. I read and read. I will say that the areas of stories of procrastination and examples of it stood out more than before I didn’t see it as the author just talking at that point.  I myself procrastinated just to read it and write so I can relate to the examples of procrastination.  and looking back at the reading I feel as if the experiment of procrastination is more appealing to read.  when I planned to reread, I would look at things more carefully and I did. Didn’t find much but the statistics and interest in the experiments is what I found more appealing to read. I can see myself doing an experiment like that for whichever reason. The passage isn’t something I would read on my own but after rereading it isn’t that bad after all.

Classwork 9/28 Plans to re-read – Brian Tenecela

My plan to re-read is going to be to pay closer attention to every detail that I come across while reading and also try to go in a little depth with the annotating. Also, I figured that by doing so I would be able to get a further understanding of everything as well to better anticipate for future work I go over. I feel that by re-reading I am able to have another opportunity to read and actually enjoy specific details and events that come about.

Homework 9/28

After Reading Later again, I still feel the same way I felt. The message was the same, but it got to me more now that I have reread it. I’m reading it. Each year, Americans waste hundreds of millions of dollars because they don’t file their taxes on time. I waited until the last minute to do my Fasfa and Tap and was so confused. Luckily, I got help from my guidance counselor. After I completed it, I had trouble getting into College because I didn’t get it finished. Then they gave me my stuff late, so I didn’t know I had to submit a meningitis form that put a hold on my acceptance. If I had done this all before, I wouldn’t have had to deal with it after graduating. I would have got the help while still in school. The reading helped me. I don’t think my procrastination will stop over time, but it might if I take care of it one assignment at a time. I believe my procrastination with work is with the subjects I don’t like. I think my procrastination has improved since my High school days because, in College, they aren’t on your back to complete the work; it’s like if you do it or you don’t, they don’t care. That has changed my mindset on doing my Homework because I must have my own back. If the reading wasn’t so long, I might have read it once in a while, but I got the point of the assignment, and I will keep it in mind when I’m sitting down watching Netflix, knowing I need to do my Homework that’s due in a few days that I haven’t touched. I’ll try to keep the message in my mind.

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