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Category: Unit 1.5: Difficulty Paper – “Later” (Page 2 of 20)


something I found interesting since I was a kid was playing soccer (football) and watching movies and TV shows, yes I’m still interested in those because those two things mean a lot to me. asking questions helped me to learn more about those two topics because by me asking questions they spent time explaining the thing that was confused about or they taught me it for me to get a better understanding of it. My curiosity has changed for the better over the years because my curiosity made me realize that I want to write my own cinematic universe one day if it wasn’t for my curiosity I would never have realized how my love for movies and TV shows really run deep in my blood and if it wasn’t my curiosity I would never I have my love European football and I would have never spent those beautiful time with my younger brother and younger cousin playing soccer in the back yard when we were in Haiti and if wasn’t for my curiosity I would never maver made those memories of when my grandad was teaching me how to play the beautiful game. I remember For two and a half years I lost my love for writing charter and my love for soccer I don’t really remember why I just lost my love for those two things I used to love the most because I found them really boring and was finding out new thing about my self like my love for cooking, I remember refounding my love those two thing on the same year one was because of my friend and the other was because my English teacher.


The convention of the education narrative genre talks about how education has affected you for the better or for the worse and how your thought and opinion on education has changed about education.  I feel like the place I should start on my educational narrative essay, How I hatted School Threw out Middle School and High School and Why My View Has Changed on Education and How Some of  My Teachers Has Changed My View on Education and Expire Me to want to learn more how they expire me to want to write my own movie and tv show one day, and movie and show was one of the biggest parts me of me want to get better at school because it teaches me that they more than one way to truly learn how they hundred of way to learn, to study you just need to that the one that works the best for you and that was for me washing movie and youtube where I can how the doing the work and explaining at the same and I can pause and moving back for me learn better. one concern i have is how will not be able to explain and write what I’m thing in the paper and that will make it hard for people to understand what I’m trying to say.

Reflection after Re-reading “Later” (Re-Do)

Re-reading “Later” I realized nothing new but it gave a little more clarity on what Surowiecki meaning of procrastination is to him. Procrastination is a physiological thing humans go through when there’s  pleasure of doing something  instead of doing something that’s boring and a waste of time. When important due dates come up for things to be done we tend to push it back knowing it’s important but when the due date comes up it’s done last minute or done late. Surowiecki argues that procrastination is a universal phenomenon that affects individuals across various cultures and professions.

Worldwide humans tend to procrastinate most of the time and this can bring problems worldwide. Having awareness of your procrastination is the first steps, then now putting in the actual effort to get to the future success you’re thinking of. There’s a feeling of perfectionism wanting everything to be done perfect but that tends to make you avoid the task because you don’t want to fail, which relates to me  a lot. What surprised me is when Surowiecki said procrastinators “self-handicapped” themselves causing this “viscous cycle”. This “viscous cycle” is letting things pile up and you start to overwhelm yourself then you run away from it when all you have to do just like Nike Just Do It.

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