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Category: Unit 1.5: Difficulty Paper – “Later” (Page 13 of 20)

In class writing

My plan to reread the article is to try and think about what each paragraph is telling me. If I understand what each paragraph is talking about, then I can understand the whole article and not feel like I’m taking too much information in at the same time which makes me confused. Also I’m going to make sure that I’m using context clues to find the definition of words I don’t know. This plan will help me feel like I understand the article better and also help me feel like it’s not so long and boring.

ClassWork 9/21

When I reread this what I would do differently is probably find a different time to read this. I read this right when I woke up after I took a shower this morning.I would rather read the story once I get home from school so I can get it over with.To  Do work in the morning let alone reading can be a drag. So now I know for next time I’ll do this a day before when I have more energy to do so.

Re-reading Plan

I am going to re-read sections and take it in; applying it to my life. Actually sit down and take in every word to fully understand  what it happening in the text. The reason I’m going to re-read it this way because of me procrastinating and just skimming through the text I didn’t really ready to get the whole story.

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