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Category: Unit 1.5: Difficulty Paper – “Later” (Page 12 of 20)

Unit 1 homework 9/21

My plan for rereading the text will be trying to learn a better way of receiving information understanding the authors point of view and what is there for me to gain in the reading. I think that I tend to drift my mind and daydream while reading I constantly find myself lost and I quickly call out the text as boring and not interesting.I feel like it’s a side of my procrastination my plan the next time reading this text is to enter with a mind ready to actual ready to  receive knowledge and understanding yes it may not bring a spark to me but I’ll still be able to make connections to apply to my character .I’ll take breaks if needed  I do know that there are detailed moments that are useful and .I have found some of them there was points in the text were the author was able to catch my attention I think I need to focus on the things that speak fo me and my Verizon of success.


My plan to reread “Later” by James Surowiecki would be to reread it and try applying it to my life to try to understand the article better. As well as reading it in a quiet place where I can’t be disturbed or distracted. To make sure I take in his choices of vocabulary by trying to use context clues more too.

Rereading plan 9/21

When I reread “Later” I plan on focusing on the few sections that I found myself zoning out on and actually try to understand what the author is trying to say in those sections. I would also try not to focus too much on the length of the whole article and break it down to smaller pieces so that I can actually read and understand the piece instead of reading just to get it over with. I feel like if I break it down the second time around I’ll be able to actually get what the author is saying in the parts that I lost focus the first time that I read it. When it comes to vocabulary I’ll also try to use context clues as well as looking up the definition of the word.

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