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Author: Yusra (Page 6 of 7)

Yusra Homework 9/12

          I just finished lunch; I am walking to my algebra class. its 11 am with the crisp scent of fall. I am walking to my class with the slight tint of yellow, I look back to see my friends behind me and everybody passing to get to the next class. I felt a slight breeze. but not a regular breeze, I felt an uncomfortable breeze as if I were overexposed, something was missing. I realized my hijab was pulled off. I was shocked and froze as I quickly pulled my hoodie over my head. I felt a burst of emotions. I felt angry, embarrassed, violated, and helpless. 

         I went to the guidance counselor and spoke to her about it and the school did nothing. They just told me to forgive and forget. Which at the time I listened too because I thought that this Guidance Counselor knew what was best for me. When she did what was best for her and the school. I learned the harsh truth that people will gaslight you into letting things go and making you seem dramatic just because it protects them. I deeply regret letting my amateur self-ways what she was saying was right. but at least I gained the knowledge of allowing myself to think for me and not for other people and to do what is right even if someone is trying to say otherwise. our young minded selves always thought of adults as superior and wiser when that is not always the case .

Homework 9/7/2023

   One  specific incident that changed my  views on education is a time when I was in high school passing through the hallways, moving to my next class when suddenly somebody came up behind me and pulled of my hijab. I felt the breeze and quickly pulled up my hoodie. I was stunned. It took me a process to understand what happen and when it registered I was livid I didn’t do anything because I thought there was nothing for me to do I wen to the guidance counseled and spoke to her about it and the school did nothing. They just told me to forgive and forget. Which obviously at the time I listened to because I always thought that whatever a teacher says is right. Which I regret till this day.

    The lesson I learned in this situation is to not rely on somebody to help me. What that kid did was illegal and I should have taken matters into my own hand. I should’ve called my parents and let them know and they would have handled it from there but I decided to listen to a higher authority and to keep quiet about it. This event had multiple lessons for me. It also showed me that just because someone is older than me doesn’t mean they are always right and that I should defend myself next time. I shouldnt depend on what other people think about my ways if it’s helping myself and making me feel better. If I can go back in time I would’ve pressed charges and taken legal action. And I knew I could do this at the time I just didn’t because I thought that older/higher education individuals were right. Even though I regret that u didn’t listen to myself I know for the next time and to do what I think is right.

Homework Yusra Hassan 9/5/2023

From what I’ve read so far , I can gather that ingridents of the education narritive genre is having a a series of events that were life changing and change your perspective on certain things. Weather that can be in an education way, personal growth or just gaining knowledge and skills. In the writing “Maybe I could save myself by writing” & in “The fourth of july” both authors dealt with some sort of misplacement, Which both were difficult situations that changed there view on things. In “Maybe i could save myself by writing” the author wrote about how misplaced he felt in both US and Mexico and he just felt like he didnt belong in both and writing helped him deal with that and help him find a place within himself that felt like home. Audre Lorde  dealt with discrimination and racism that angered her. She wrote about it and expressed her feelings about the situation. She became politically active.  Both writings have a issue and the author writes the way they felf about the specific issue which i think is a key to writing an education narritive genre. A place i think would be a good start for my own education narritive is thinking anout a problem in my life that when resolved changed my perspective on things.  That can be myself or family, friends or just life, people,personal growth knowledge or new skills developed due to this issue. A concern i have about writing my own education narritive is choosing which dilemia happened in my life that triggered personal growth, higher education or evben skills. basically thinking about  what was that turning point in life for me.




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