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Author: Yusra (Page 5 of 7)

Homework due 10/3


Something that always interested me as a kid was dinosaurs. I was so fascinated by them. I could not believe that huge looking monsters existed on earth. I found their fossils so interesting. My curiosity always led me to research dinosaurs all the time. I used to watch YouTube videos and learn everything about them. I also did a lot of my school projects about them like the 100th day of school I used 100 facts about them. The educational system played a good role because I got to learn about them in class since they were part of history. And we used to take school trips to the museums so seeing their bones in real life made my obsession even crazier. but at the same time, I feel as if they did not really go over them a lot, if we went over dinosaurs, it was for a brief explanation, and we did not really have actual lessons about them. I got my knowledge of dinosaurs from my self and just loved them.  As I grew older my obsession with dino oars slowly started to fade off and I just did not really care for them as much as my interest decreased. I think the reason for this is me maturing and life hitting me to the point where dinosaurs were irrelevant. Dinosaurs do not even exist now so what is the point of me researching them and being fascinated? I also think a part of me knew my love for dinosaurs was not really going to get me nowhere. Imagine if I had so many things and assignments to do but then I dropped it to watch videos about dinosaurs. As I got older, I just realized I had way different priorities that were more important than being interested in that topic. 

Homework 9/28/23

When rereading later, my thoughts on it changed a little. i went through the text with not having as many issues as the first time but most importantly i understood it better. and even enjoyed it better. i still let out a couple of yawns but not as much as the first time. i picked out information that i skipped right over the first time. i found it interesting when they were trying to find a reason of why people chose the 100 dollars today instead of 110 dollars if the wait an extra day but  then when said to wait a month for 100 dollars or wait a month and a day for 110 dollars, they chose the 110, they said an explanation for this might be ignorance and i didn’t even pick this up when i read it for the first time. I also  noticed that the text stated “but as the present gets closer  short term considerations overwhelm their long term goal.” which i also found interesting because on how valid it is. i honestly found the text more interesting and noticed a lot more. i realized that that the first time i read this i just went through it without closely reading but at the same time i felt unfamiliar with the text and put it in my head that i wouldn’t understand it because we were ought to see the things we disliked about it. but rereading it also made me enjoy it better since i already had a chance to read it and get a grip on what it would intel. i was also surprised on how much things i didn’t get the first time i felt like rereading it i got everything and it was not the hard to understand i felt so lost reading it the first time but now i got it. i understood way better.

Homework 9/21

Ater reading and annotating “Later,” I realized that it was a very boring text. I felt like it was elongated when it wasn’t necessary. it was surprising that I was only 11 pages because it felt like 20.I feel like there was too many examples for one point like the examples should have been distributed to different ideas but there were all just talking about how procrastination affects people. like talking about how 70 percent of people suffering from glaucoma risk, Americans wasting money because they don’t file their taxes on time, how it inflicts major cost on business and governments, how major procrastination in college students, etc. I think 2 examples would have been fine. I also noticed that James Surowiek vocabulary was kind of hard to understand.  some words I didn’t understand were like bureaucracy, vagaries and more that I had to research and that’s just on the first page. I keep taking breaks while reading “later” because I was so bored and needed to be mentally ready to read the next part, I felt like I kept reading the same thing over and over again. James’s tone was also boring, and I wish he could have organized the format better. At the same time though I think it was sone purposely because what I read stuck with me and as much as I was bored by it, I remember it. James’s purpose of writing this article is probably to show how important procrastination is and to avoid it and do what you must do. 

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