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Author: Ty (Page 3 of 3)

Ty first draft

Late one evening I was on the train coming home from practice. I took out my phone and noticed my high school sent a email out that read,” as of March 16th school is closed for 2 weeks until further notice due to the virus covid 19 and we will resume learning online.” My face overwhelmed with joy because we had school off and the next 2 weeks were spent playing the game until zoom meeting were set up. Very soon I realized this will be school for the rest of the year. Some teachers that were more lenient with work and for 2 of classes all I had to do was show up in the zoom. Of course at the time I was excited because this was easier than regular school. Fast forward to 11th grade year and I soon realized I’ve learned nothing in the past year and a half online.

The first day back was so hectic and there were so many faces but in the crowd of faces no one spoke. The line to get in the school was so quiet you could hear a pen drop. It seemed as if everyone forgot how to socialize. It was a few weeks into the school year and I was already behind trying to catch up and remember things in classes like pre calc,math and chemistry. Everyday I felt like I was back tracking to relearn simple information that was already taught.

Ty Hill

When the covid pandemic started I was just starting the 9th grade.It cut my school year and ended my basketball season earlier.At the time I was very dissapointed but also a bit happy school wasn’t in session. Throughout out most of the pandemic I didn’t really take online school seriously and because everything was online it was easier to get away with things.

The transition back to school since the pandemic my 11th grade year was pretty rough.Most classes I felt loss in and school just didn’t feel the same.There were tons of new faces and new rules in place.At the time I felt so sad because I missed out on a portion of my life in highschool.

Homework due 9/5 – Ty Hill


Some ingredients in education narrative is plot, theme and setting. From the stories we read the author always set the tone at the beginning of the story. For example in Maybe I could save myself by Writing by Jose Olivarez, “When I was a teenager, I felt like I belonged nowhere. I know it’s a clichĂ©, but damn if I didn’t feel that. I walked around with my head to the ground. I was just trying to get through each day”. This opening statement set the tone for how his story would go and who/what it’s about. A good place for me to start with my own education narrative is from my past experiences. As I said in the comments, in middle and high school it felt  like we just had to remember a bunch of information that may or may not help us in Adult hood. There are many flaws in the education system but you can still take away many great habits and information from school. One concern I have is  If I ever write my own story what could make this standout from others. There are tons of stories in the world that use the same format but all very different. I want to know what specifically is going to drag in  a reader in or even someone who doesn’t like reading very much. I  hope by the end of this semester I will be capable of writing a educated narrative that can draw in readers.

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