A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Author: Ty (Page 2 of 3)


hen I was younger I used to like playing basketball. This was a sport I took pretty seriously. I enjoy the sport but I don’t play it anymore. I’d rather just watch official games under a whistle. Asking questions in basketball can take you far. I mean on and off the court for example the last travel team I played with. I reached out to the coach and got to play with the team for free. She also wanted me to transfer to her highschool. This changed my curiosity because it showed me that if you reach out or just make noise you can get noticed. Basketball helped me alot during school. Asking questions on court can help you have a better understanding of the game. Things like that build your skills, communication, and teamwork. A lot of the game is mental too so asking questions will help your mental state too. First it helped me easily find others to play basketball. My second example is it motivated me often to keep my grades up because with a bad average basketball wouldn’t even matter. The reason I don’t play anymore is because in my 11th grade year the main coach of my high school transferred. My mom didn’t want me to transfer to a worse highschool solely for basketball either. The highschool I was at received another coach but most of the old players left with the old coach and the coach was horrible. That year we went from a play off contending team to a team who only won 4 games. So eventually I lost love for the game and stopped after the 11th grade. I still play here and there if I happen to be at a court but I havent played a game under the whistle since

Rereading plan

My plan when rereading this is to plan ahead and not wait until the last minute. When I wait to the last minute I feel I don’t fully understand the text or grasp on to what’s being stated because I’m rushing to finish.
Also I find reading is easier when I’m listening to calming music so I’ll get a playlist ready for this text and future text I’ll receive in college


In the text Later by James Surowiecki I feel he is trying to tell us procrastination is something everyone does in modern times. Procrastination is so deep it could be the cause of other habits in your life like saving habits or substance abuse.
Humans lose sight of a good future because of their interest and wants at the time. He discussed a metaphor in his story which was the short and long run. Most of of us are doing the shorter run. Also he states procrastination is more of a feeling then a action. He uses a example during the civil war on the Union side a general named Geroge Mcellan missed an opportunity overtake territory because he was unsure if he could. The time had to be right for Geroge to make a move. Everything he was feeling throughout that time can all be related back to procrastination. Throughout the article James uses
some vocabulary I rarely come across like fallacy, visceral, and abnegation.These words I found difficult because it required me to actually search it up. Now that I have recollection on these words I can add this to my vocabulary. I think he uses bigger words because it could expand people thinking and using complex vocabulary added more depth to his writing.Also complex words can convey a specific meaning, letting him express his ideas loud and clear. Since these aren’t everyday words we might hear it could dawn upon some people that there is so much more we lack knowledge on. A big take away I got from this article is to take action because I’m the only person holding myself back. Moving forward there is a lot I could actually learn from this. Even if I procrastinate, I shouldn’t beat myself up over it but always keep in my the future I’m trying to create for myself.

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