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Author: Thiek (Page 7 of 7)

Thiek lindo homework 9/5/2023

It’s evident from my analysis of Jose Olivarez’s (“Maybe I could Save Myself By Writing”) and Audre Lorde’s (“The Fourth of July”) readings that engaging readers effectively calls for sharing personal experiences and stories. To engage the audience more deeply, this entails establishing the story’s the background and voicing perspectives on past events.  For instance, Jose Olivarez shares his feelings of not belonging with his audience in an effort to connect with and reassure individuals who have similar experiences that they are not alone. He accomplished this by serving as a mentor and by providing safe spaces for people dealing with comparable difficulties.Learning how to set the right mood for the story is an essential first step in starting my own helpful narrative. It’s importantTo communicate your emotions and assist the reader understand them in hypothetical situations. Reading exposes us to a wide range of situations we haven’t personally experienced, making tone, word selection, and framework crucial to accurately conveying the story. I must also make decisions on how to pace my story so that the reader gets to know me genuinely without coming out as overly formal while yet offering interesting perspectives on the subject.throughout my middle school and high school experience I was always able to connect my audience to whatever the story or subject I was teaching them about growing up i learned quickly how many people would pay attention to the words you say if they could actually feel them if you could create a bridge of connection through conversation that is  what makes messages through conversation so powerful your word choices allow you to be present in someone else’s mind and erase the separation of ego this is why most of the worlds greatest leaders lead in vocal communication and feelings before the listener can hear what they are being told they feel it in there hearts -Thiek lindo

People from various different backgrounds struggle with recognizing their identities and creative talents. In the article “How to read like a writer,” an innovative point of view is put out that encourages readers to look at their texts more in-depth. This strategy involves developing a personal structure that evaluates both the benefits and cons of the reading material. In the end, this type of analysis develops creativity and helps in the growth of writing skills.You can understand “you are already an author” in two different ways. First of all, it relates to the notion of being the author of one’s life, taking into account the many daily choices that are frequently taken for granted. It emphasizes how crucial it is to assess decisions, comprehend their ramifications, and determine whether they will have a positive or bad effect. The idea behind creating a list offWhile weighing the pros and cons is a common mental exercise, the question “why” frequently goes unanswered a situation asking for further in-depth analysis.Second, the idea that “you are already an author” brings academic thinking to mind. This phrase brings back the importance of understanding subtleties in language and writing strategies, which is especially important throughout the transition from high school to college. The behaviors developed are evident in memories of rapidly responding to emails, texts, or tasks while focusing on their content. The post encourages improving reading habits which in turn improves writing abilities—a beneficial connection that is often overlooked. The importance of adopting different types of writing and expanding one’s perspective becomes critical.  The intention to attract readers with interesting inquiries or quotations is consistent with the suggestions made in the article. ThisThis strategy builds an instant connection and motivates readers to read more. The aim was to use these strategies into personal writing projects in order to improve personal growth and the quality of written communication.In result, “How to read like a writer” encourages readers to ponder on their writing style and try new things. “You are already an author” inspires reflection on decisions made in the past and mirrors high school lessons that unintentionally mold writing abilities. It aims to create a more comprehensive and appealing writing style across many mediums by incorporating the article’s approaches, such as effective introductions, which embody growth and flexibility.-Thiek Linda

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