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Author: Thiek (Page 5 of 7)

Homework 9/28

After getting the chance to reread the article ‘Later,’ I don’t think my feelings change, but my mindset regarding the subject has. Rereading it has allowed me to walk into the article already knowing the topic and understanding the key components to look for. This time, I was able to gain more information than the first time around. I caught onto things that I struggled with before.

I still dislike the format of the article and the way it was set up, but I have to credit the author for the information given in the article. The article holds knowledge and truth for someone looking to expand their mind not only around the educational system but also in terms of things to add to the way you structure yourself for the world. I now understand the limitations procrastination can put on your life. At the end of the day, you can be your biggest enemy, and it will only affect you in the ways you let it. Getting over procrastination isn’t easy; it’s a part of almost everything we do. We question our time and whether we can even complete a task, all just to end up rushing it or failing to do it at the last minute. But I think taking the steps to better yourself as an individual will help you in the long run.

In the article, the author speaks about the seriousness of procrastination, using adults and taxes as examples to explain the number of adults who file their taxes late. There is no transition in mindset, and I think it becomes even harder to change it as an adult rather than as a regular teenager. The time we have now should be used to override and overcome the bad behavioral habits we have installed in us before it becomes too late.

Unit 1 homework 9/21

My plan for rereading the text will be trying to learn a better way of receiving information understanding the authors point of view and what is there for me to gain in the reading. I think that I tend to drift my mind and daydream while reading I constantly find myself lost and I quickly call out the text as boring and not interesting.I feel like it’s a side of my procrastination my plan the next time reading this text is to enter with a mind ready to actual ready to  receive knowledge and understanding yes it may not bring a spark to me but I’ll still be able to make connections to apply to my character .I’ll take breaks if needed  I do know that there are detailed moments that are useful and .I have found some of them there was points in the text were the author was able to catch my attention I think I need to focus on the things that speak fo me and my Verizon of success.

homework 9/21

After reading and reflecting on the text, “Later,” I have come to realize how many minor habits I engage in that can be perceived as procrastination. These habits have a significant impact not only on my start for college but also on the way I live my entire life, which seems to revolve around procrastination. I frequently find myself easily distracted, often by my phone or other distractions.In the story, we witness the main character struggling with procrastination. He appears uninterested in his tasks and lacks the motivation to complete them promptly. Instead, he chooses to postpone them for later. This behavior is something that I believe many people can relate to. It’s not limited to work or academic tasks; we often delay various activities simply because they don’t immediately pique our interest.I’ve observed myself daydreaming or engaging in other activities throughout the day, even while reading this text. I knew I had to read it for class, but my lack of interest in the text made it challenging to stay focused. However, as I continued to read, especially when the text gave examples related to taxes and other forms of procrastination, it began to resonate with me more. I realized that procrastination is a common habit among people, but the degree to which it impacts our lives and success is ultimately up to us.There are tasks that it’s acceptable to put off momentarily, but there are also critical tasks that demand our immediate attention. Finding the balance between the two is crucial. it’s up to you how much you let it impact your success there’s things that are okay to maybe lay off a bit but there’s just some things that are needed to be done I believe if you can find the difference in the two you’ll be fine but the mindset will only get worst the more comfortable you are with not having to be on time with certain things at some point you have to ask yourself is this how I want to represent myself and is this the person I want to be and from there you make changes to excel your mindset.

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