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Author: Thiek (Page 4 of 7)

HW 10/12

Thiek Lindo

The Black community’s difficulties are sewn into the fabric of the American experience, telling a story of bravery, resiliency, and firm persistence. This study paper explores the persistent obstacles inside the Black environment by removing the layers and revealing everything from the echoes of historical injustices to the present issues of our time. As we examine this intricate tapestry, we come across tales of success, tenacity, and the pressing need for justice and equity in a multicultural and dynamic society.

This study examines the many issues and barriers that the Black community faces in a range of social contexts. It looks at the causes from history, current problems, and possible solutions to these challenges. I have chosen to investigate this since untreated trauma can result in a number of problems, such as obstacles to work, education, and economic mobility. By addressing trauma, we can end the cycle and provide people the support they require to flourish. We enable people to develop resilience and deal with hardship by assisting them in facing and recovering from trauma. Thus, the community’s general strength and vigor are enhanced. Treating trauma is a group effort that promotes a common feeling of recovery, harmony, and hope within that of Black people. Stronger ties and improved communal coherence may result from this.

Bennett College, Liberal Arts in Greensboro, North Carolina: How Mental Health and Generational Trauma Play a Major Role in the Black Community https://www.bennett.edu/news/how-mental-health-and-generational-trauma-play-a-major-role-in-the-black-community/

In the article written by Bennett College, it surrounds topics supporting the importance behind the historical traumas in the Black community and the lack of attention it seems to get from outside responders. Sadly, there is a lack of knowledge that African Americans have about their own mental state and trauma problems. This article was written to help researchers and academics, especially scholars in fields like psychology, sociology, history, and African American studies, who are interested in understanding the long-term consequences of historical trauma on the Black community. The article was also written to support the general public.

Articles on this topic may also be intended for the general public to increase awareness and foster empathy and understanding of the unique challenges faced by the Black community due to historical trauma.

The topic “Historical trauma in the Black community” typically refers to the long-lasting psychological and emotional effects of historical events and systemic injustices on Black individuals and communities. This concept acknowledges that past events, such as slavery, segregation, and discrimination, have left a profound impact on the mental health and well-being of Black individuals and communities.

Homework 10/5

For my research paper, I want to explore the thought space of the gateway experience. A lot of people don’t know what it is at all or truly how it affects them. I have common knowledge around the subject, but there’s so much more to learn. It’s always been a question I’ve had: ‘What am I doing here?’ and ‘What is my purpose while I’m here?’ The gateway experience falls into derealization. It’s said that people who can get a full grasp of the gateway experience can basically unlock the universe, and it all started with the example of Nikola Tesla, all the way down to people like Elon Musk or Bill Gates. All have a thought space in the gateway experience. I feel like this would be one of the most interesting topics to research about and share with others. I feel like it’s something completely new. I haven’t seen it talked about in a school aspect, but I do know there are FBI unclassified documents on the subject, and I’ll take any chance to get to read that, if I’m being honest. But to share what I get to learn would be a greater feeling. I want, at the end of my research paper, to give the reader a different outlook on life, even for myself. I want to take the reader through the journey of who they are with me as I’m learning, so is the reader at the end of the research paper. I would want to see if my thinking changes the way I view situations or people. Maybe I find out an answer to my question, or maybe it leads to a bigger rabbit hole. But the information and knowledge are truly endless, and I feel like people don’t truly understand how much we are capable of, especially how much we can expand our mind and thinking to grasp the world and situations around us.

Homework 10/3

Growing up, I was a triathlete. I played basketball, football, baseball, and even soccer from 6th grade to 10th grade. I was an Asphalt Green All-Star during that time. However, my sports journey took a different turn when my family expected me to pursue a career in baseball or football. I started losing confidence due to overthinking and taking my coaches’ words too seriously. Despite being capable of excelling in anything I focused on, my mental struggles began affecting my performance on and off the field.

Rather than attending Cardinal Hayes, a top 10 football high school in New York, I opted to stay at my regular high school. This allowed me to explore my identity as an individual. It became evident to me that my tendency to overthink and let external opinions affect me was a persistent issue. I questioned why I hadn’t paid attention to my emotions earlier or sought help from my coaches or sports director regarding the mental battles I faced.

I realized that my reluctance to open up and fear of appearing weak or vulnerable stemmed from societal expectations of men. It felt like being confined in a box with no way out. I began discussing my feelings and concerns with my peers. To our surprise, these conversations in the locker room, initially lasting 30 minutes, often extended into 2-hour discussions. Sharing our mindsets and stories revealed how the coaches’ words had belittled our characters and made us feel inadequate.

Despite our shared path, similar stories, and a successful record of 9-1 with top 3 rankings every year, we all grappled with the same mental challenges. While the coaches may not have been right in how they spoke to us, I realized that it was our attachment to their words that was holding us back. Sometimes, it’s best to ignore the negativity and focus on the positive aspects.

This revelation had a positive impact on my school life. I discovered that there were peers around me who felt the same way, regardless of the anxiety and tension they experienced. This realization extended to college, where everyone initially seemed shy and anxious. However, as we got to know each other, it became clear that we were all in the same boat, facing similar fears and insecurities. It taught me that I was never alone, and there were always people who shared my thoughts and feelings, no matter the environment.

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