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Summary hw

How far is generational trauma instilled in our community

These sources collectively shed light on the persistent struggles of the Black community, the impact of historical trauma, systemic racism in the criminal justice system, and the importance of racial equity in education and employment. Together, they form a comprehensive narrative that underscores the multifaceted challenges faced by the Black community and the critical need for societal recognition and action.

My study paper provides a holistic view of the Black community’s resilience and the pressing call for justice. It serves as a reminder of the strength and determination within the community and highlights the urgency of addressing historical injustices and present-day issues to foster greater equity.

Bennett College’s article offers a unique perspective on mental health and generational trauma, highlighting the often-overlooked psychological effects of historical injustices on the Black community. Its relevance to scholars and the general public is paramount, as it encourages a deeper understanding of these challenges and the importance of empathy and support.

Radley Blako’s analysis of systemic racism in the criminal justice system confronts misconceptions and provides strong evidence of racial bias. By acknowledging counterarguments and appealing to data-driven reasoning, the article contributes to a more comprehensive and informed discussion about racial disparities within the criminal justice system.

The analysis of “Demand Equal Opportunity in Education” rounds out the discussion by stressing the significance of racial equity in the realms of education and employment. It makes a compelling case for affirmative action policies, highlighting the ongoing importance of these tools in rectifying historical disparities and promoting diversity and inclusion.

In summary, these sources collectively advocate for acknowledging historical trauma, addressing systemic racism, and actively promoting racial equity. They serve as a reminder of the enduring challenges faced by the Black community and the imperative for broader societal recognition, empathy, and action to create a more just and equitable future. These discussions are not confined to academic or specialized circles but resonate with the broader public, compelling all individuals to engage in meaningful conversations and take meaningful steps towards a more equitable society. This collective body of work amplifies the voices of those who have long called for justice, shedding light on the resilience of the Black community and its unwavering commitment to overcoming historical injustices, systemic racism, and the pursuit of a more inclusive and equal society for all.

Home work 10/19

Diversity No Matter What | NAACP 2023

Source 3

The Imperative of Racial Equity: An Analysis of “Demand Equal Opportunity in Education”

In an era characterized by the pursuit of equality and justice, the issue of racial equity remains a prominent topic of discussion. This paper explores the article “Demand Equal Opportunity in Education,” which passionately advocates for the ongoing necessity of race-conscious admissions and hiring policies to address persistent inequalities, promote diversity, equity, and inclusion, and ensure equal educational opportunities for all. The paper delves into the rhetorical strategies employed in the article, analyzing its arguments, appeals, and persuasive techniques to underscore the vital role of racial equity in the realms of education and employment. Introduction:

The paper introduces the central theme of racial equity and its relevance in the contemporary socio-political landscape. It highlights the advocacy for race-conscious policies as a means to rectify historical disparities and promote diversity and inclusion, despite recent legal challenges.

The article under examination begins with an exploration of the historical context, contending that institutions such as colleges, universities, and employers have shown inconsistency in embracing diversity, equity, and inclusion. This context is crucial in establishing the need for affirmative action and similar policies as a response to past failures, thereby challenging the notion that recent actions to strike down such policies render them obsolete.

The article invokes the authority and moral standing of the U.S. Supreme Court to underscore the subjectivity of the decision to strike down affirmative action. It highlights that this decision is influenced by the personally held beliefs of the justices, emphasizing that it is not an absolute indicator of the policies’ worth. This approach questions the legitimacy of the decision while acknowledging the court’s authority.Dispelling Common Misconceptions:

A critical aspect of the article’s rhetoric involves dispelling common misconceptions regarding race-conscious policies. It clarifies that such policies do not label every individual within a system as racist. This clarification serves to make the subject matter more accessible and counteracts frequent stumbling blocks in discussions concerning affirmative action.

The article employs emotional appeal as a powerful rhetorical tool. It includes the emotionally charged statement that “The use of education as a tool for discrimination is a grave injustice that should not be tolerated.” This statement emphasizes the moral and emotional dimensions of education’s misuse for discriminatory purposes, evoking feelings of anger and empathy among the audience.A Vision for the Future:

The article goes beyond the present and envisions a more equitable future. It emphasizes the critical role that guaranteeing access to quality education for Black children and providing sound employment opportunities for the Black community play in shaping this future. This vision fosters hope and purpose in the reader, underlining the long-term importance of racial equity.

The article’s rhetorical strategy culminates in a compelling call to action. It implores readers to not merely endorse equal educational opportunities as a matter of policy but as an ethical obligation. It urges colleges, universities, and corporations to wholeheartedly commit to fostering diversity.


In conclusion, the paper highlights the persuasive power of rhetoric in advocating for racial equity, drawing from the article “Demand Equal Opportunity in Education.” It underscores the enduring significance of race-conscious admissions and hiring policies through a skillful combination of historical context, appeals to ethos, pathos, and logos, and a compelling call to action. In a society continually striving for justice and equality, these policies are not relics of the past but indispensable tools on the path to a more equitable future.

HW 10/17

Forms of Systemic Racism Impacting the Black Community

Systemic racism refers to ingrained, often subtle, and pervasive structures, policies, and practices that perpetuate racial inequality. In the context of the black community, systemic racism has historically been a significant issue and continues to affect various aspects of life,

Systemic racism is a complex issue deeply rooted in historical and structural factors. Addressing it requires ongoing efforts at various levels, including policy changes, education, and community engagement to promote equality and justice for all individuals, regardless of their racial or ethnic background. Systemic racism poses a significant challenge for the black community, perpetuating racial inequality in multiple areas of life. This research paper explores the various manifestations of systemic racism and their impact on individuals and communities.

The different forms of systemic racism and oppression Direct Experiences of Discrimination:

Individuals experiencing racial discrimination in education, employment, or interactions with the criminal justice system may suffer psychological trauma, eroding their self-esteem, self-worth, and mental well-being.

Generational Trauma:

Systemic racism’s effects often span generations, perpetuating historical and ongoing racial injustices, resulting in collective trauma that affects the mental health of entire communities.

Cultural and Identity Trauma:

Racism can profoundly impact an individual’s cultural identity and sense of belonging, leading to internal struggles and emotional distress.

Criminal Justice:The disproportionate arrest, conviction, and sentencing of black individuals in the criminal justice system perpetuate a cycle of disadvantage and injustice.

Education:Unequal access to quality education and the existence of the school-to-prison pipeline create barriers for black students, limiting their educational opportunities and future prospects.

Employment:Black individuals face discrimination in hiring, wage disparities, and limited career advancement, contributing to economic inequality and social injustice.

Source 2: The Washington post“There’s overwhelming-evidence that the criminal justice system is racist.Here’s the proof”. By radley blako – june 10th 2020


This analysis delves into the rhetorical aspects of the term “systemic racism” and its application within the criminal justice system. It addresses common misconceptions surrounding this term and asserts that systemic racism pertains to racially disparate outcomes resulting from systems and institutions, regardless of the intentions of individuals within them. The analysis also emphasizes the historical context by referring to the Jim Crow era and argues that the modern criminal justice system evolved from a system that upheld racial order.


This paper presents a rhetorical analysis of the term “systemic racism” and its relevance to the criminal justice system. It seeks to dispel common misunderstandings, provide historical context, and present compelling arguments.

The analysis commences by providing a clear definition of “systemic racism” to dispel common misunderstandings. It underscores that the term does not imply that every individual in the system is racist, thus making it more accessible to the audience.

The author invokes the historical context of the Jim Crow era, widely acknowledged as a period of racial discrimination. This historical reference substantiates the claim that the criminal justice system has historical roots in maintaining racial order.

The analysis asserts that the evidence of racial bias in the criminal justice system is “overwhelming.” This deliberate use of strong language aims to convince the reader of the seriousness of the issues

The passage acknowledges counterarguments, such as claims that the criminal justice system discriminates more by class than by race or that racial discrepancies can be explained by crime rates. This demonstrates a willingness to engage with opposing viewpoints, enhancing the author’s

The author acknowledges that they cannot vouch for the statistical integrity of all the studies but presents them as part of an effort to catalog the evidence. This approach appeals to objectivity and data-driven arguments.

The analysis underscores that issues within the criminal justice system are not exclusive to race; they affect individuals of all races. However, it emphasizes that racial factors exacerbate these issues.

In conclusion, this analysis employs effective rhetorical strategies to make a compelling case for the existence of systemic racism within the criminal justice system. By utilizing historical context, strong evidence, and a willingness to engage with counterarguments, it persuades the reader of the issue’s significance.

Quotes : 1. “Sen. Tim Scott’s personal experience with being repeatedly pulled over by police officers reflects a common narrative among people of color who face suspicion merely for driving nice cars.”

2. “Despite the prevalence of such experiences, a significant skepticism exists on the right regarding claims of racial bias in the criminal justice system.”

3. “Conservative commentators like Rich Lowry, Andrew Sullivan, and Heather Mac Donald have challenged the idea of systemic racism in the criminal justice system, often citing criminologist John Pfaff, who himself contested their interpretations of his work on Twitter.”

-Thiek lindo

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