A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Author: Thiek (Page 2 of 7)

11/4 in class writing

In the foundations of our lives, there will always come a time when the burden of difficulties becomes unbearable, and the urge to give up speaks its tempting attraction. But allow David Goggins’ words of guidance to resonate in your ears: “Everyone experiences moments in life when they wish to give up.” However, your actions at that one moment define who you are.” When faced with hardship, let’s resist the urge to give up and instead find the inner courage to keep going. It is those difficult times that truly show who we are as people. Accept your resilience because it’s through overcoming setbacks that we create the route to being the people we want to be.

Homework 11/7

I would like to publish for the New York Times


•The following content is surrounded by local New York and expands out to nationally it contains a detailed number of topics from educational science studies to political and economic issues and debates

•The audience is usually targeted to New Yorkers but overtime the recognition and respect for the New York Times have allowed them to expand onto bigger topics past only New York and into its melting pot

•The longest post I was able to see was about 6 -8 pages long very structured with details and a word count usually ranging from 600 words and more

•The tone may vary depending on the writer and topic but in most cases the tone is serious to casual

•I would say the post are very formal to academic I can see a mix of both because most articles are being used for educational purposes while having the formal approach to connect to others in a way to naturally inform

•The data that is used is very dense it’s a lot of data and research going into these articles the articles are mainly supported by data , interviews and quotations especially the ones that deal with political issues

•The visual representation is pictures that have substance to the topic or videos but mainly pictures surrounding the topic from what I have seen

•I feel like it would be a good publication form to reach my audience but I’m still looking for other or better alternatives I don’t feel like I could conduct or really explain myself using this platform .

Homework 11/2

For the start of unit 3, I would like to write a short story. I would like my audience to find ways to better understand their feelings and how to use their surroundings and environment to improve their situation and to find the motivation to make life worth living. It’s very easy to get caught up in the day-to-day emotions life throws at us, but it’s never the action that changes your life; instead, it is the reaction that changes your perspective on the things around you. I feel like we tend to take a toll on the negatives in our lives and become blinded to all the blessings and positives we have. I feel as if we fall victim to the difficulties we face in our lives, and we then trap ourselves in a box, stopping us from being able to see what’s on the outside waiting for us. A lot of people find comfort in their pain or their hurt, and they use it as a reason to never push through or try again. I want the youth to understand how important their mental health is, to understand how important it is to have full control over your subconscious, and to expand further than what they see in their environment. There’s more to living than we think. I also wish to reach the older generation and help them understand that their decisions and choices do affect the youth. Mental health should be a concern taken seriously, understanding and talking about generational trauma should be taken seriously, and being able to be comfortable and vulnerable when having these conversations because, in the end, it uplifts us all to be better.

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