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Author: bianca (Page 5 of 6)

Homework 9/21

I found this reading to be particularly difficult to read due to the context and choice of vocabulary. The order that the author chose to write his story in was interesting. I found myself having to reread parts of it to try to fully understand it. They had a really good point and certainly got their point across to reader. However I found it to be extremely repetitive. They gave us many examples from very different parts of a timeline. For example they go from, “This is why Netflix queues are filled with movies that never get watched: our responsible selves put ” Hotel Rwanda” and “The Seventh Seal in our queue, but when the time comes we end up in front of a rerun of “The Hangover.” Then goes into the civil war ;”In 1862, despite an excellent opportunity to take Richmond from Robert E Lee’s men, with another Union army attacking in a pincer move, he dillydallied,”. This made it slightly confusing to get through although it does give context to how long procrastination has been around for.  They also bring in greek and philosophers. To me this made an already incredibly long story, very boring and hard to keep up with. At this point of the story I did have to take a break and come back to the story to refocus when it came to the philosophy. I do think this story was unnecessarily too long and could have been made with maybe 4 pages. There are a sufficient amount of examples to fit in fewer pages instead of what it felt like throwing every example in the story. Especially since the author didn’t include completely relatable content throughout his article to keep his readers interested. Towards the end of the reading it felt like reading just to get it completed to move on.

Homework 9/12

It was a warm day in September as the fall weather had started to come. This was my senior year, my last year of high school and it was important that I speak to my guidance counselor regarding my schedule. I was nervous and hesitant to go to the office since it was the first week of school, I knew it would be busy and hectic. As a senior I only needed a few classes so I requested to have early dismissal, however at the beginning I had no car and I had to find a schedule that worked for me. I decided to go during my lunch period since it was the only time I could go without missing anything, so at 10:59 when the bell rang I went straight to the guidance offices. I marched through the hot crowded halls with my heart beating fast as I approached the door. When I opened the wooden door I was greeted by the cool air as it was one of the only places in school that was air conditioned. There are about 5 different counselors  with separate offices, each with a secretary stationed at a desk in front of the rooms. The phones were ringing, the printers were running and so were the staff going around getting their tasks done. I have been here before, so I headed directly straight from the door was the secretary I had to speak to to get to my counselor. My palms were sweaty as I approached her desk noticing she’s on the phone so I stood in front of her desk fiddling with my sweater. When she had hung up she immediately began to scribble on a paper as she asked me if she could help me. I told her who I was there to speak to regarding my schedule and she told me to take a seat. I turned around and saw the black chairs that were against the wall facing her desk, I took a seat next to another student waiting as well. I sat in the cold hard seat looking around as the bright lights shined down on the busy office, as time went by I put in my airpods to listen to music while I waited. I watched to left of me, the bilingual secretary printing papers and assigning the student helpers to go to classes to drop them off or receive items.  I occupy myself with my phone, when I look up I see my counselor walking fast coming from the left hallway to the right corner office which is hers. She’s directing the student helpers to move the chairs and she quickly comes out of her office to stop at the secretary’s desk who  informs her I’ve been sitting waiting for her. She loudly asks why no one told her I was waiting for her and keeps quickly moving back down the hallway to the left.

Homework 9/7

In my experience the education system did not leave a positive impression on me. I spent  my entire school life in the same district, I grew up with the same kids since pre-k and graduated with most of them. From the 4 years I spent in high school my freshman and sophomore years were cut short due to the pandemic.  When  schooling went online I lost all motivation to put in any effort towards my classes, I wish I had chosen to keep going despite all the problems going on in the period of time. However the school staff did not make it any easier, In my opinion they were very hostile to all the students unless you were well known or honors. I completely understood because I saw how they didn’t receive as much respect as they should’ve but when I approached them for a question they would automatically have an attitude with students.

In the main office you could walk in and make eye contact with several workers and they would just keep talking to each other, if you needed help you had to speak up and interrupt them. Despite them promoting help and if you need anything just go to them or the guidance office, they were so unapproachable to students. I had spoken to my own guidance counselor 5 times in my four years there, everyone I had spoken to about them had no positive feedback. I once sat in her office for my entire lunch period my senior year after telling her secretary what I was there for and her walking by me, I had to try again another day. As well as at my graduation rehearsal, my name wasn’t on the list which meant I had no spot or tickets for the ceremony. They had told me it was my councilors mistake but when I contacted her she had to told me there haven’t been any previous issues with my graduating and it was the mistake of the lady with the list. This all just taught me growing up that if you needed something done you had to do it yourself otherwise if you ignored it, others would too.

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