A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Author: Lacey (Page 1 of 6)

In Class Assignment, Annoyance-Free Paragraph

For my annoyance free paragraph, I chose a quotable from my third source entry from the Unit 2 Annotated bibliography which is, “research shows ocean currents are shifting, global sea levels are rising which means more coastal flooding, storm surges, erosion and property damage.” This was one of the opening statements made by the researchers which is I believe brings you straight the center of the cause of flooding in NYC. Flooding in this city can affect the population which is currently 8.8 million directly and indirectly. You may live in a community where flooding does not adverse effect you or you may be a resident who suffered a flooded basement or flooded house after a storm, but the bottom line is we are safe nowhere and climate change is and will affect us all. Rising temperatures is resulting in warmer temperatures in all four of our seasons and eventually our day-to-day enjoyments could be a thing of the past if we all don’t take responsibility now. Taking responsibility can be as simple as spreading the word of climate change to our friends and family. The UN Environmental Programme suggests that if one billion people take action as much as 20% of carbon emissions can be reduced.

Homework 11/7

• The platform I wish to see my research paper published on is a news platform like NBC news streaming website or an international news platform like Reuters.
• On the NBC news streaming website, you can get live, latest stories and breaking news on NYC, the US and the world. However, Reuters is a well-established news agency that has been around for more than 100 years, has a wide viewership and has a bigger international audience. Both sites bring news coverage on salient topics that are affecting populations in different areas of the world for example the Israel-Hamas war, US political news, business and health. Reuters even have a section for Entertainment and lifestyle as well as Technology.
• I believe these two news agencies target a wide mature audience who can find content to suit their interests. I say an adult audience because the articles are very in depth, well-written and sometimes difficult to read.
• The length of the articles on these sites are typically around 500 words although some articles can be longer.
• The tone in the articles is serious.
• The diction used in the articles is formal and academic.
• Evidence presented in these articles are usually data, quotations as well as interviews.
• The websites for these news agencies are very visually appealing. NBS news and Reuters have pop-up windows on the main screen to show you alternative news articles and videos you may be interested in. The sites are clear and easy to manipulate.
• I think this can be a great forum to reach my audience because college students should be engaged in reading or watching news that affect us day to day and these websites are free so there is no cost attached to assessing the articles and information.

Homework 11/2

My target audience for my Unit 3 project will be college students. College student can be good negotiators and influencers among their peers, in their homes and communities. They are articulate and once passionate about their views and opinions they can encourage their families and friends to adopt new behaviors thereby reaching a bigger demographic of people.

I would like to teach my audience to be much more sensitive about our environment, how we can make an impactful change by changing our day-to-day choices i.e. going greener. Also, I would like to shred light to some of my research of how flooding in affecting NYC, the city we all live in, to the college students.

The best genre I would like to use is a research paper mainly because I believe it will satisfy the need for evidence to be the deciding factor why college students, their families and friends should adopt new habits and consciously ‘go green’ to prolong the life of our planet.

To get started I would like to arrange all my main topics and summarize the information so the research paper will be informative but direct but still being interesting at the same time.

My concern about this project is finishing on time, how make a research paper appealing to my audience and what sort of imagery I could incorporate.

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