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Author: Akeem (Page 6 of 7)

H/W 9/7

“The roots of education is bitter, but the fruit is sweet” Elizabeth Warren; Growing up in elementary school otherwise known as basic or primary school where I grew up was a mixed feeling for me. This incident or I could say changed my thinking about education. In the beginning growing up I loved school, but as I was getting older, I started to hate it, or I just didn’t care. The higher grade I went up each year was just a discouraging experience. Upon ending elementary school, I realized I have actually developed the skill to actually play sports, because I’ve always loved it especially football to be exact, also known as soccer in other countries. I decided that sport will be my dream and chose to take on. Literally football was working out for me in which I was even getting popular. Of course, as a kid, who wouldn’t want to be popular those times? in fact I didn’t know how to manage that really well, so the fame got the best of me. I really thought this was the best thing for me and sooner than anyone would think, I stopped caring about school. I had in mind at that young age that my education, wouldn’t matter anymore.

However, after leaving that school entering high school, my mentality didn’t change an inch more until actually started my senior year of high school. Football was not it, I started to see that even if I chose football, it still good to have an education. In the long run if there should be anything that could go wrong in the opposite direction certainly have an education is something that anyone will not be able to take from you. I really saw that as a motivation, and I did indeed take it as one. In my last two years in high school, education was my main focus, in which it eventually became successful. My last year was the biggest year in which I did excel the most and highest throughout that year. I also ended up being the valedictorian of my graduating class. Ever since then my mind has not changed about education. I do believe it is important even when it gets hard, but in the end if you make it useful then you will be able to see your success and growth, and that’s what gave me motivation to extend my education to the highest level.


H/W 9/5

Having read the narrative and meditating the piece of writing “Maybe I could save myself by writing”, when writing an educational narrative, it gives you an opportunity to be yourself, expressing your thoughts and feelings and also be open mind about you and your topic. So basically, the concept of the writing is designed for a specific audience to have an idea of what your perspective and views are.  I think you can also use this form of writing to persuade your audience and be informative once the information that is being written is factual. I think getting started with my own writing is to get the audience know me a bit personal at first then get them to have an idea about my pass experience and also how it can also be relatable to their pass, present and future experiences. I have seen areas of the writer has used relatable points and experiences in the pass and where I have also seen people just like him/her in some what extent.


“You are an author;” in my own words, I do think it is saying that when you read like a writer then you would be able to get a better concept of what the writer is trying to pull across which also gives you a better understanding, imagination and feeling through the words of the writer. It opens up the mind of readers in a wide variety of ways and also helps with expressing and persuades the readers mind and thoughts. However, things I have written, may not be as much, but I have written short speeches for ceremonies that I have been given opportunities to speak at. It would usually be to encourage and help motivate young teenagers and children, going forward to continue working hard in school and strive for excellence towards their dreams and goals, as many have seen the things I’ve accomplished and is still working to accomplish, which is somewhat a type of inspiration for most kids. When I am given the privilege to do that, I usually give a brief overview of who I am, then proceed into my topic. I have also written short summaries that my teachers would give me back in high school.

They would usually ask us to read some type of paragraphs, chapters or reports and make a summary in just one paragraph using key details or main points from what we have read. This would help me in college, because it would definitely help me to become a better writer and also in improving my writing skills and techniques to give readers a better understanding of my point whenever I am writing. In the article (Bunns) he had written about where authors could use quotes to begin their piece of writing. That section of the article I found as a very interesting part in which I sense would be appealing if it is being used in some pieces of writing. I do think using quotes grabs a place of interest in most writings because many people relate themself to quotes when it is necessary. In addition to that I strongly do believe it is a unique style or technique to add in some of my writing.

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