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Author: Akeem (Page 5 of 7)

10/03 Homework

When I was a kid, I grew up around a musical family background. Musical, meaning members of my family were musicians, recording artists, back up vocal’s singers, producers and also sound engineers. I ended up finding myself following the footsteps of them. Being new to this finding music interesting, was just a cool thing. I mean I didn’t understand the whole aspect of it in dept but just listening and being around was fun. Later on, after hanging around often I started developing knowledge of listening, watching and also playing. There were many privileges that I also got when I’m around my musical side of family. Meeting artists, different popular people from around many places and being on live stage.

Seeing all of that got me more interested in doing music. I remember going to school and I took a music class, but before I even did that, I was so curious in asking the musical department of the advantages of how doing music could help me at that time and beyond that. They definitely gave me answers that I was looking forward to. By then I decided to take these classes to learn more about the inside and dept of music. I wanted to learn the fundamentals of music so when being around those big people I have the knowledge to relate to them.

The curiosity changed me in a way where it got me to go and learn music in an educational way first and then continuing learning from being around family and practicing. It has allowed me to grow and love music, and after over 10 years of development, it has turned me into a musician. Capable of playing various instruments and being a sound agent. I started my first ever job as a musician at age 16, where grew up as a kid and was working with two different stage show and event bands then two years later, I started to invest in myself creating a music room in my house with my own instruments where I’m planning to expand myself and hoping to own a production business in music.

Re-reading “Later’

After reviewing ‘later” I didn’t feel or view anything differently. I still thought it was long boring and took a while for me to understand the whole idea. I can say that it helped me understand the definitions of words that was used after discussion, and also, I had a bit more understanding of when procrastination was being spoken about. I’ve seen where it stated about deadlines and due dates and how we are easily laid back and make those dates catch us then we try to rush to pick up on last minute to try meeting the time. I could definitely relate to that when it comes on to procrastinating. The article helped me to understand the seriousness of procrastination and the setback it may cause.

My plan to re-read in class activity 09/21/23

My plan to take when re-reading the article is to read in a quiet environment, and also take breaks in between when I feel like it’s too long or boring. I choose this as my plan because, I think taking breaks will help me my mind to relax a bit and not taking in too much at once, also gives my mind to process the information. Secondly is because, if I am in a quiet place then I won’t find myself having anyone to disturb me or find any type of distractions, such as device, sounds and also, people.

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