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Author: Akeem (Page 4 of 7)



Queen Ifrica. “Daddy.” YouTube, Ikomusic88, 3 Dec. 2007, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYrXb_KJmEU. Accessed 12 Oct. 2023.

Child abuse is something that is very common in the world today, research shows that many more persons are affected by child abuse than what the percentages say in the media, due to many persons not having the confidence to speak up. Queen Ifrica is an advocate on behalf of every voiceless person, through her song entitled “daddy”; she brought us on a journey of her encounter with abuse. Queen Ifrica went through four stages: in stage one she was sexually abused by her “father”, she used visual imagery with her choice of words to show us what she went through “… STOP IT DADDY, daddy stop it nuh” we can see that she knew that something was wrong, and she gained the courage to say, “daddy don’t touch me there.” Queen Ifrica lived her life being traumatized and powerless knowing that something is wrong but unable to fix the problem. In stage two she started to hate herself as there was no one there to console her so she tried self-therapy and wore a facade. In stage three she accepted that she could not change anything because she was a child, but she had courage to encourage mothers to be a little more protective with their daughters notwithstanding the person is one of high esteem “pay attention even if the man a pastor.” In stage four she wanted pay back for what was done to her but in her heart she wanted change, so she decided to encourage all victims of child abuse that are in a similar position to be strong and confident because child abuse does not determine your future or the person you become.

10/11/23 Homework

After researching, I came up with the topic “How does Child Abuse Affect Children’s Mental Health?” The research terms I decided to use were as follows; Types of Child abuse which refers to (Physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual and also neglect). My reason of using these terms is because this would help me in wide variety of finding information on my research and also gives me more information to speak widely and explaining my topic a bit more. The two bibliography citations of my research source I chose was a newspaper article also a musical audio entitled “Daddy.”

Cross, Jason. Child Abuse Alarm – 11-Year-Old Manchester Girl Latest Victim of Sex Assault, 21 June 2019, https://jamaica-gleaner.com/article/lead-stories/20190621/child-abuse-alarm-11-year-old-manchester-girl-latest-victim-sex. Accessed 12 Oct. 2023.

Queen Ifrica. “Daddy.” YouTube, Ikomusic88, 3 Dec. 2007, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYrXb_KJmEU. Accessed 12 Oct. 2023.

My first source is a Jamaican news article which was written by the author Jason Cross. It is entitled ” Child abuse alarm – 11-year-old year old Manchester girl latest victim of sexual assault”. Sexual assault is also known as sexual abuse which a form of child abuse. According to the writer Jason Cross approximately 15,000 child abuse cases has been reported to Child Protection and Family Services Agency (CPFSA) in 2018 alone in which that was considered as 8.5% rise of the year before (2017). He also stated about the latest case that took place in the country at that time in which a 11-year-old girl was found traumatized in bushes of the community of Manchester Jamaica, after going home from school. Happily, the child survived and received treatment from a particular hospital in the country. There were many more cases which were reported in the country to the police department, of various parishes and communities. Also, it was reported by a police commissioner, that parents who had lack of poor parenting skills was also a contributor factor in which their children were being exposed too much.


The topic I want to research is on “child abuse”. How does child abuse affect children’s mental health? I chose this topic because I want to research more into this case. Child abuse is a case which occurs in majority of the counties in today’s world. This is serious situation which I have seen occur in many different news broadcasts and also cases that I’ve personally witnessed privately and publicly where parents abused their children. Iam very curious to find out how child abuse will affect children’s mental health. I would like to be more aware of how this could be controlled, because based on visual knowledge, I have seen where it has impacted a whole generation of kids in society, and in many cases I don’t think children should be suffering through such an act. In this research I do expect to find information about ways it can be reduced, causes and effects and also find out approximately how much percentage of children in the world is being affected. The experience I’ve seen but not had been experiences I would not wish to see many children face. I wish to conduct this research through newspaper, information from articles and also a YouTube audio.

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