A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Author: Akeem (Page 1 of 7)


Dear future students, as past student of this English 1101 class, I wanted to take the time out to just share some thoughts and tips to the class. Firstly, I would encourage you to approach this class with drive to work, work ethics and with an open mind. This may not be a class of interest for many, especially people who doesn’t to write a lot but, if you take my word, I implore you that it will definitely improve you and your writing for the future. It helps you to explore various aspects of writing in English. I would encourage you to actively be prepared to engage in class discussions and fun group and class activities. This class id about writing essays and reading essays as well, which help improve your writing and thinking. I also encourage you to always seek feedback from peers and the professor which will be very helpful for you in the class. Also be prepared to expect constructive criticism. Another important aspect of this class is time management. If you don’t manage your time well, then assignments will creep quickly on you. This class requires consistent effort, and dedication. Always take full advantages of resources that are provided to help you. Lastly, just enjoy the class. you guys will have a wonderful professor. Grades might be pressuring, but if you stay focus and consistent you will get over the hurdle. As I sign out, I wish you all the best for your upcoming journey. PEACE OUT.







Revising the unit 2 project that I re-read, had quite a few things I would change or have done differently. Cases where I think I could have explained myself better, not to say I did not, but being a bit more specific on my topic, for example:” why do I want to research my topic?” but not just giving a broad statement or response but being more specific/detailed into why I wanted to this and go more in-depth about what I would want to find out about it. I thought that I could be a bit more specific in my introduction even though it was a good introduction. I also felt like I could have reviewed the analysis grading worksheet and see what’s required to get the best grade on writing the analysis then add to it if needs be for it to be close to perfection. There were also issues with my citations which some of the references weren’t done properly in the correct format as they should be. That was all I think I need to fix in regard to my unit two project.


If I should go about revising my unit 1 essay, I would go about thoroughly explaining, setting. I realized that my peers feedback was that they wanted me to give more information so that they could have a better understanding and an imagery view while reading. Would also want to try preventing and having less sentence clauses. I also think I could be a bit more detailed when explaining my story line and be a bit more specific on what brought be to my conclusion, just to be a bit more in debt, so that it helps and give readers a bit more interest in simpler terms not losing them or otherwise trying to get them lost in which they have to start think or having questions because something was not clear to them when they were reading.

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