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Author: Jay (Page 7 of 7)

Homework 9/7- Jayden James

In March of 2019 the world went into a frenzy with the anomalous COVID-19 virus and schools all across the nation shut down to keep the disease from spreading. The entire country went into quarantine and stayed in there homes and was not permitted outside for any reason to keep the virus  contained.  Schools transitioned from in person learning to remote learning so students can still learn even though they are not physically in school. Many schools used google meet but my school used zoom. I was never fond of quarantine because i often got distracted and I was learning from a place of comfort. The zoom calls with the teachers was excruciating as well, I often got bored and restless whenever I was on the zoom call with them. I played with my consuls, watched tv & ate food whenever I felt like it and it that got in the way of my learning & the pursuit of my educational prowess. Whenever I was in school I was always focused on my teachers and schoolwork in the classroom and but when at home it was hard to remain on task or complete the work given to me through google classroom. Initially when starting out quarantine I thought it was fairly easy with the work being done in a blink of an eye but my work ethic slowed down and I quickly grown lazy, I quickly realized you need to be focused on your school work to get it done with maximum efficiency.

The importance of mental health and well being in education was emphasized by quarantine. The pandemic’s impact on mental health highlighted the need for support services and a more comprehensive approach to education. Before in school I used to believe schools focused heavily on mental health  but after remote learning i quickly learning that wasn’t true. Many students were and are tremendously traumatized by quarantine and schools don’t talk about it nearly enough as they should have, they treat it almost as it never happened. Staying at home for a long time doing school work none stop take a toll on the mind. As a child I wanted to do school work at home because I believed that my education would be further along ahead but when doing work from home it takes a toll on your mental thinking capability to do anything for a long period of time. You need a good head on your shoulders to me able to do your work and achieve greatness when it comes to your education. Mental health is important and shouldn’t be taken for granted, it can severely  affect you in the long run.

Homework 9/5

In the educational  narrative “Maybe I Could Save Myself By Writing” the author JosĂ© Olivarez he articulates himself through poetry displaying emotion and his feelings through his writing. In his writing  he talks about how he felt like he never belonged anywhere and he felt out of place, He moved from Mexico to America and felt disconnected  and when he went back for a month and people looked and thought of him as an American and felt uneasy there, he felt a sense of anomie . He wrote poems to convey his feelings and he wanted other people to relate to him as well if they had similar circumstances. He gave his poems purpose which is a form of feature of genre.  The author used informal tone to get his audience to relate to him, his writing and thinking.  The educational narrative has many convections making up what it is.  It shows Character Development and Challenges and Obstacles. JosĂ© exhibits personal and intellectual growth throughout his writing. He felt lost at first and his purpose found him which is  writing and poetry. He faced obstacles and challenges, he felt out place with his surroundings, he always walked with his head down everyday and was trying to get through everyday with struggle. The obstacle was himself and had to learn how to deal with it, he did it through writing. That’s how he expressed himself and to others.  He also believed in power as well, if you can tell one fact it can be turned into many stories and he wants his stories to save people like it saved him. You can get starter with your own educational narrative by telling your own story. Your own Character Development and Obstacles and struggles can make its own narrative about yourself, it can also include Mentorship and  guidance.  Can an Education Narrative include a story from the past that is educational to the indented audience?

Homework Response 8/31

The texts introduces Mike Bunn and his ideology that reading like a writer can help you see how the writing process is a sequence of making decisions. He provides a concept that allows readers to combine detailed queries and analysis of the work that may encourage you to come up with writing ideas and make improvements for your future literary piece, rather than only requiring context-based reading. He implies that we already have complete control over our story and that we are not need to adhere to a particular narrative when he adds, “You are already an author.” I try to pinpoint some of the author’s decisions so that I can better comprehend how similar decisions might occur in my writing. Read like a writer can help me in my college reading and writing career in many ways than one. Reading like a writer will help you recognize significant decisions you may face and approaches you may want to utilize when working on your own writing by assisting you in understanding how the writing process is a series of decisions. Bunn did said interesting things in his article. He said make notes and highlight passages. You can make notes and summaries before and after reading your designated text. He said “ Often the notes students took while reading became ideas or material for the students to use in their own papers” I find that to be useful and helpful. A clear and concise explanation of the notion is provided by the statement, “When you read like a writer, you are trying to understand how the text you are reading was produced so that you ‘make’ one for yourself. Moreover, I want to keep in mind to ask myself questions while I read, such as who the author is writing for and who is the intended readership. (I sent the first one by accident this is the final one)

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