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Author: Jay (Page 5 of 7)

Homework 10/5

Slavery is has been apart of our history since the dawn of humans and I always been intrigued by it. The concept of other humans owning or having control over another group of humans peaks my interest. The question I’ve had on my mind for a long time was “Why is Slavery Last as long as it did”. I usually dwell on this topic when it comes to history because I feel like slavery shouldn’t have been dragged on as it did. Slavery was here in America for hundreds of years and people thought in their heads that I was okay to inhumanely treat people like they are animals and without respect. Due to a variety of factors, slavery a disturbing chapter in human history again persisted for centuries. It served as a profit-generating dark engine for various industries offering a cheap and plentiful labor force. Social dehumanization of slaves was crucial in defending their abhorrent treatment. Because of racial prejudice and a sense of cultural superiority, society has been able to ignore the blatant injustices. Laws were bent to uphold this unjust system reinforcing the status quo. Legal systems also played a part. Abolishing slavery required challenging deeply ingrained beliefs and traditions as well as changing the law. It was challenging to escape this cycle of suffering due to the opposition to change and economic interests. With Slavery lasting as long as it did gave people the power and the  resources to conduct evil schemes and do wild things to people that didn’t  deserve it. Mordern day slavery is also a thing as well. People work for little to no money or just no money at all, basically free labor. Children work in factories and produce products such as toys and electronics for America. Why did slavery last as long as it did and why is it still around today?

Homework 10/3

When I was an adolescent anime and video games peaked my interest. I was always imagining myself in the world of anime doing unworldly moves that doesn’t exist in this realm. Whole playing video games i always put myself in the shoes of the protagonist and  envisioned myself going on the quests and voyages through their eyes. My favorite anime was Dragon Ball Z and I always the  characters especially Vegeta. He’s hardworking and always strive for his goals whichever I try to do. In video games I feel a sense of Fred’s, and I can control anything and do anything I put my mind to. Anime and Video games are still apart of me now that I’m an adult and they have more influence over my life them before. I watch anime and play games a lot during my free time and I do because it stimulates my brain and keeps my head going. Anime also teaches me life lessons that I can carry with and live by as well. I asked many questions about video games. Why was it developed? When did it come to be? Where was the first video game created? Who was the founder of video games? What was the spread of video games? How is the  influence spread across continents and countries ?  Questions deserve answers and I believe that my answers do.  As a kid I wondered these questions and my Curiosity has grown over the years. I tried doing research on games and anime to see how they came about and what cause. The educational system played a major role in my Curiosity in why video games and anime came to be and why they have so much influence over many people and how they live in their day to day everyday life.







Classwork 9/21 – Plan for rereading

I read the whole entirely of “later” and I didn’t understand the text very well and I found it very boring and uninteresting. When I was reading before I was also distracted by my phone and television because it was near me and easily accessible to access and obtain. My plan for next time is to store my devices away out of hands reach. I will attentively read  her text more carefully because I felt like I was reading to fast before so next time I will take my time and grasp the content. The vocabulary was fairly difficult as well, they used words beyond my brain capacity. When rereading I will pay attention my carefully to the words being use and try to understand them while reading so reading g the text will come across more easier for me.

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