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Author: Jay (Page 2 of 7)

Homework 10/7

The platform I would most likely like to publish is the New York Times

The New York Times publishes a variety of instructive and informative articles that keep you up to date on actual events that are happening right now.

This tells me that their audience is about people who want to stay updated and be informed about certain topics they are interested in. I draw that conclusion from how the New York Times is formatted.

The pieces  is usually 1-2 pages long

The tone is usually informative

The tone depends on the article at hand

The dictation that is usually used is informal

They usually use evidence through interviews, surveys or people going out and documenting what they see

Their visual presentation is through a newspaper. You look at it and read it

It would because it would inform people about my problem because most New Yorkers read the newspaper especially the New York Times.









Homework 11/2

For Unit 2 I focused on mental health illness issues within the foster care system and the rates for mental  illness for children in America. For unit 3 I would more than likely want to do powerpoint explaining the rates and how to help the children in need. I learned many things in my research last unit but the most important thing I learned was  history of exposure to complex trauma, instability, challenging familial dynamics and uneven access to mental health services are all risk factors for mental illness in the kids.I made an effort to write my essay with a wide range of readers in mind, primarily to convince those who are indifferent to children’s mental health that it is a serious issue and that they ought to take notice. Charitable organizations are my other primary target audience. For unit three the genre I plan to write is an information Informative because I want to inform my audience that the rates for mental health illness in children are drastically going up and to examine that foster homes and group homes are damaging the children present and future. The first step to Completing this project is to eliminate procrastination completely so I can get it done effectively and to do further research about my topic.

Homework 10/5

The foster care system is a way to take care of kids when their own parents can’t for reasons like abuse or neglect. They live with foster parents or in group homes until they can go back to their families or get adopted. It’s meant to keep them safe and cared for but that’s not always the case. Most people overlook the foster care system because it’s not a big concern in the nation. It’s overshadowed by more main stream problems we have in America and it has a long lasting effect on children across the country. When I was younger I had a friend who was in the shelter and placed in a group home. He was depressed when he came to school and had anxiety and fear of abandonment. His mom couldn’t care for him for she gave him up and he didn’t have much to eat on a daily and felt mundane because of the loneliness.There were and are many more kids like him that go through the same thing. The question How does the foster care system affect mental illness rates in children deserves a prominent answer because I believe it affects children severely and it catches up to them in the long run and into adulthood. In my research I  expect  to find the cause  of depression for foster children and the things leading up to them being in group homes.The percentage of children in America who suffer from mental illness is something else I’m eager to learn. Mental illness that includes depression,  anxiety and fear of abandonment is prominent in kids especially those even  in the foster care system and I’m looking forward to learning if that trickles into when they become an adult. Would the trauma of them not having a family or a home affect their lifestyle and the way of living when they reach adulthood and start a family of their own potentially.

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