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Author: Ivan (Page 2 of 3)

HW 10/26 Ivan Medel

this got me feeling like motivation is just something most teens need when coming out of high schools. Also got me thinking that most high schools dont really tend to their students when is comes to graduating and just gets you ready for another school. the prblems im having with my project is that I keep wanting to just do the bare minimum to get its down with, but ive been puuting some work little by little to tackle it.  Whats working for me is that little by little im getting it done and its helping with the other work i need to do.

Plan to reread

My plan to reread “Later” by James Surowieki is to try not to divert my attention from the reading or just talk about the reading with someone about the little sentences or paragraphs I read.

HW 9/7 Ivan Medel

Something that changed my view of my education is YouTube and TikTok. I say this because while using the apps too separate from the world sometimes I stumble upon certain videos that help with inconveniences or just like how to handle necessities. even if I go on YouTube to look up how to fix a problem, YouTube will sometimes also give more videos on other problems that I didn’t even know. like when I searched for how to replace a toilet seat, it also showed me how to unclog the sink and how to replace the sink attachment. even when I go on TikTok some TikTok gives me advice on how to handle money, which banks can help me develop credit, and how to handle loans and housing. sometimes I learn new things on TikTok on how to work out which muscle group and which items or discounts for people or students. learning new things may be interesting and helpful when the time comes, like when I need to replace the sink attachment with a different one or when I need to fix the shower head in my bathroom. Sometimes it scares me to do new things for the first time cause I wouldn’t know if I fixed it or broke it, when looking into the video on how to handle credit and a card I learn more than what I did in high school. I learned more from accidentally watching videos on financial, and housing, and tips on how to better myself. people may say you don’t learn anything on social media, that just means that their social media is recommending stuff they want to see but when you know how to control the things that social media recommends you stuff you learn new things and relearn some old tips. that is why my view on education has changed, because of YouTube and TikTok and controlling what is recommended to me.

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