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Author: Emilio (Page 6 of 7)

shitty first draft

It feels like yesterday where I was going through all the hardships in high school and the education system seemed like a joke. It was a cold winter day where I had my hoodie on and got yelled at for having the hoodie on (the hood wasn’t on), and I was already fed up with the school. My whole life I have been in the education system I have experienced many ups and downs that changed my views on the education system in a good and bad way. Let’s start with an experience that made me question the education system. In middle school, I took regents early which made me get into AP classes in high school and I mean all of them. I was nervous and mainly mad because no one ever passed those classes. everyone chose what classes to take but me. this made my junior year stressful. and I failed 2 tests and the teacher called home daily. I did homework till 5 am trying and the teachers were exceedingly telling my strict parents that I never tried but I did. I was working as well trying to manage my time and school and to see things I spent hours on crumpled up all the time essays where I tried, and they read 1 sentence and failed me angered me. this made me question whether some teachers were meant to be teachers. I had 42 assignments with zeros, and a lot of them were tests. Just because I don’t remember everything about the government or something that happened hundreds of years ago doesn’t mean I deserve to fail. I can’t remember everything while all my classes were just as hard. This caused me to lose motivation and give up on the school system. I left it as my last priority. Because of this I failed all my AP tests and did not get any college credit. Nights where I didn’t sleep, where I didn’t eat or take care of myself just to fail. And a teacher who gave up on me just as I gave on them. This made me think the education system hired people who bring you down. Even if I had a bad experience with class and grades, I have to admit that actually learning what I know can help me is the best. A teacher who always kept it real with me and taught me life lessons. An understanding teacher is a better way to put it, a teacher who gave me that little hope in school big enough to get me to college and battle the school system. A teacher Mr. Fletcher taught us about life when it was a history class. the class I hated the most. he made us relate to things and as a class, we looked forward to seeing him. he taught us the good and bads of life and used us as an example and I actually learned with him. The fact that he cursed and laid back with us, showed he saw us as students and friends. He personally helped me with assignments and kept me motivated to actually learn and not slack off or fail. only good phone calls home. The impact this had on me was big enough to try in every class and to like school. this made me realize that there are teachers out there who care about students and the future. This example of a teacher uplifting me is what made me change my view on the system and try to at least get into college.

I had not slept at all since I got home from work very late then had to do my homework. the halls were quiet and as I entered my room the teacher was already mad at the class. I got pretty used to failing all my assignments I had no motivation. for me to work harder than I already did felt like watering a dead plant. I did not want to do anything about it.  Feeling like you aren’t meant for learning is a convincing feeling because I genuinely felt like I was meant for anything but school and college. school felt like a prison we were there all day then went home to do homework or straight to work. It’s like being a pawn to your teachers. Thats why I never liked the idea of uniforms or so much homework. Then came a better side to school. where a teacher who didn’t care what I wore or what I said. someone who keeps it real and knows the hardships of working and school. Mr. fletcher a teacher who made history fun. I never liked history I still don’t unless it’s from him. I used to enjoy writing essays for his class and fix it after class and laughing about it.  A teacher who understands the student and doesn’t give up on them is the best type of teacher. I felt like I belonged in that class. I went to school happy to be in his class. that room with a big ac and you sit on the heater by the windows. that’s the one room inside of a school located in the projects that I felt like I didn’t have to keep my guard up. it was the room where I didn’t feel like I was in a jail cell being used so the teacher can get a check and the school get money. and surrounding myself with good friends made it much better. people I consider family. the teacher who has been in ups Nd downs with me is a teacher who changed my view. He is the reason I kept trying and worked harder.  And he never judged me from where I came from and always showed respect even if I failed an assignment which didn’t happen often with his support. that one room in which I bet if I were to be in right now with the same people it would feel like I never left.


All of this helped me shape my future and ultimately get me to college but the mindset i have is more peaceful at the time. As many others i go through a lot, way more than i want to but the world is the world and it isn’t going to stop spinning because of me. I always have to move on.


it feels like yesterday where I was going through all the hardships in high school and the education system seemed like a joke. It was a cold winter day where I had my hoodie on and got yelled at for having the hoodie on (the hood wasn’t on), and I was already fed up with the school. I had not slept at all since I got home from work very late then had to do my homework. the halls were quiet and as I entered my room the teacher was already mad at the class. I got pretty used to failing all my assignments I had no motivation. for me to work harder than I already did felt like watering a dead plant. I did not want to do anything about it.  Feeling like you aren’t meant for learning is a convincing feeling because I genuinely felt like I was meant for anything but school and college. school felt like a prison we were there all day then went home to do homework or straight to work. It’s like being a pawn to your teachers. Thats why I never liked the idea of uniforms or so much homework.

Then came a better side to school. where a teacher who didn’t care what I wore or what I said. someone who keeps it real and knows the hardships of working and school. Mr. fletcher a teacher who made history fun. I never liked history I still don’t unless it’s from him. I used to enjoy writing essays for his class and fix it after class and laughing about it.  A teacher who understands the student and doesn’t give up on them is the best type of teacher. I felt like I belonged in that class. I went to school happy to be in his class. that room with a big ac and you sit on the heater by the windows. that’s the one room inside of a school located in the projects that I felt like I didn’t have to keep my guard up. it was the room where I didn’t feel like I was in a jail cell being used so the teacher can get a check and the school get money. and surrounding myself with good friends made it much better. people I consider family. the teacher who has been in ups Nd downs with me is a teacher who changed my view. He is the reason I kept trying and worked harder.  And he never judged me from where I came from and always showed respect even if I failed an assignment which didn’t happen often with his support. that one room in which I bet if I were to be in right now with the same people it would feel like I never left.

homework 9/7- Emilio artiga

My whole life I have been in the education system I have experienced many ups and downs that changed my views on the education system in a good and bad way. Let’s start with an experience that made me question the education system. In middle school, I took regents early which made me get into AP classes in high school and I mean all of them. I was nervous and mainly mad because no one ever passed those classes. everyone chose what classes to take but me. this made my junior year stressful. and I failed 2 tests and the teacher called home daily. I did homework till 5 am trying and the teachers were exceedingly telling my strict parents that I never tried but I did. I was working as well trying to manage my time and school and to see things I spent hours on crumpled up all the time essays where I tried, and they read 1 sentence and failed me angered me. this made me question whether some teachers were meant to be teachers. I had 42 assignments with zeros, and a lot of them were tests. Just because I don’t remember everything about the government or something that happened hundreds of years ago doesn’t mean I deserve to fail. I can’t remember everything while all my classes were just as hard. This caused me to lose motivation and give up on the school system. I left it as my last priority. Because of this I failed all my AP tests and did not get any college credit. Nights where I didn’t sleep, where I didn’t eat or take care of myself just to fail. And a teacher who gave up on me just as I gave on them. This made me think the education system hired people who bring you down.

Even if I had a bad experience with class and grades, I have to admit that actually learning what I know can help me is the best. A teacher who always kept it real with me and taught me life lessons. An understanding teacher is a better way to put it, a teacher who gave me that little hope in school big enough to get me to college and battle the school system. A teacher Mr. Fletcher taught us about life when it was a history class. the class I hated the most. he made us relate to things and as a class, we looked forward to seeing him. he taught us the good and bads of life and used us as an example and I actually learned with him. The fact that he cursed and laid back with us, showed he saw us as students and friends. He personally helped me with assignments and kept me motivated to actually learn and not slack off or fail. only good phone calls home. The impact this had on me was big enough to try in every class and to like school. this made me realize that there are teachers out there who care about students and the future. This example of a teacher uplifting me is what made me change my view on the system and try to at least get into college.

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