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Author: Emilio (Page 5 of 7)

classwork /9/21

something I would do differently when I’m reading the text again is play close attention to the words and find the meaning to them because I would understand it better. If I do that then maybe the text won’t be so boring or all gibberish to me. Another thing i would do is I would use context clues to understand it better and read the passage section to section to read this all at once in one sitting for me would be hard since it’s all over the place. when you break up the reading and try to understand each part of it benefits me to read the rest and see what the other section has to say. When I do this, it can help me see the reading differently than I did the first time instead of forcing myself to read it.

homework 9-21 emilio

In this Story there is many things I just don’t know or wouldn’t care about. for me personally what makes me like a story or even read it is if it’s interesting and this doesn’t catch my attention at all. the missing context use of big words it looks like gibberish to me. To me this type of writing is something I’m forced to read and it’s like I never read it. The only thing i could really take away from this story is the procrastination like when the author said “many of us go through life with an array of undone tasks and lists of things to do. this”. From what i understand the main character procrastinated doing a task but besides that it’s pretty boring. I don’t feel the intensity emotion or any feeling in the story its blank. Think about it like reading a blank white sheet you can look at it and realize it’s the color white and that’s about it. I feel like this reading is boring and bland. of course, I am no writer myself and know very little but for me to read I need more emotion in it not just words. As for the second part where we get into facts and statistics it gets a bit more interesting as it’s something that is fun to know like the fact that Americans file taxes late on procrastination. it’s like I can see myself reading this on a boring random day in the news. that’s how I feel on this story or article if you will where it only gets interesting when the statistics show up. And to relate to it I procrastinated on this homework witch I started hours ago and just now finishing it because it was boring. procrastinated myself through school.

first draft

It feels like yesterday when I was going through all the hardships in high school and the education system seemed like a joke. It was a chilly winter day where I had my hoodie on and got yelled at for having the hoodie on (the hood was not on), and I was already fed up with the school. My whole life I have been in the education system. I am guessing you have worked before in your life; you know the stress and struggle especially with more than one job. The stress of school and constantly failing will break you. I am not one to sit there and cry about things but it broke my spirit more than I thought it would. I would come home and get screamed at for my grades when I really tried. Not having comfort hit me bad too. 

 I have experienced many difficulties that changed my views on the education system in a good and bad way. Let us start with an experience that made me question the education system. In middle school, I took regents early which made me get into AP classes in high school and I mean all of them. I was nervous and mad because no one ever passed those classes. Everyone chose what classes to take but me. This made my junior year stressful. and I failed 2 tests and the teacher called home daily. I did homework till 5 am trying and the teachers were exceedingly telling my strict parents that I never tried but I did. I was working as well trying to manage my time and school and to see things I spent hours on crumpled up all the time essays where I tried, and they read 1 sentence and failed me angered me. This made me question whether some teachers were meant to be teachers. I had 42 assignments with zeros, and a lot of them were tests. Just because I do not remember everything about the government or something that happened hundreds of years ago does not mean I deserve to fail. I cannot remember everything while all my classes were just as hard. This caused me to lose motivation and give up on the school system. I left it as my last priority. Because of this I failed all my AP tests and did not get any college credit. Nights where I did not sleep, where I did not eat or take care of myself just to fail. And a teacher who gave up on me just as I gave on them. This made me think the education system hired people who bring you down. Even if I had a terrible experience with class and grades, I admit that learning what I know can help me is the best. A teacher who always kept it real with me and taught me life lessons. An understanding teacher is a better way to put it, a teacher who gave me that little hope in school big enough to get me to college and battle the school system. A teacher, Mr. Fletcher, taught us about life when it was a history class. the class I hated the most. He made us relate to things and as a class, we looked forward to seeing him. He taught us the good and bads of life and used us as an example, and I learned from him. The fact that he cursed and laid back with us showed he saw us as students and friends. He helped me with assignments and kept me motivated to learn and not slack off or fail. only good phone calls home. The impact this had on me was big enough to try in every class and to like school. This made me realize that there are teachers out there who care about students and the future. This example of a teacher uplifting me is what made me change my view on the system and try to at least get into college. Mr. fletcher a teacher who made history fun. I never liked history; I still do not unless it is from him. I used to enjoy writing essays for his class and fixing them after class and laughing about it.  A teacher who understands the student and does not give up on them is the best type of teacher. I felt like I belonged in that class. I went to school happy to be in his class. that room with a big ac and you sit on the heater by the windows. That is the one room inside of a school located in the projects that I felt like I did not have to keep my guard up. It was the room where I did not feel like I was in a jail cell being used so the teacher could get a check and the school would get money. and surrounding myself with good friends made it much better. people I consider family. the teacher who has been in ups Nd downs with me is a teacher who changed my view. He is the reason I kept trying and worked harder.  And he never judged me from where I came from and always showed respect even if I failed an assignment which did not happen often with his support. that one room in which I bet if I were to be in right now with the same people it would feel like I never left. 


Now as I said in the beginning, the stress, the despair, and broken spirit was fixed because of a class. Since then, I have learned that learning is fun when you are good at it and can learn. And this would change me for the better. It is like filling a hole in you with something positive that can better help you. All of this helped me shape my future and get me to college but the mindset I have is more peaceful at the time. Like many others I go through a lot, way more than I want to but the world is the world, and it is not going to stop spinning because of me. I always must move on. 




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