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Author: Emilio (Page 2 of 7)

the quotable I chose a quote from my second source entry which is actually from the bible saying ““Then he said to them, ‘Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.'” this quote supports my op ed idea on the effects of money onto people. this ideal of the greed and the desire of money goes all the way back to times of Christ as this quote is actually a quote of the bible. the greed can affect you negatively without anyone knowing. slowly and slowly, you become less patient and humble. you harm others for your own benefit. The desire for money is not bad at all don’t get me wrong but it’s good to keep your humbleness and to maintain yourself as a person. do not destroy people’s lives for your own benefit.  i think that people oversee this.

hw 11-7

  • The platform I want to publish my op-ed in is Forbes.com
  • The media and articles on the site are based on wealth and the richest people on the earth. a bunch of magazines based on wealth.
  • the ads are buying stocks. and much news on billionaires and what’s going on with their money and status. ads include financing ads. investors etc.
  • the media can be 2-3 pages long.  or a couple minutes of videos.
  • the tone is serious and professional everything is about money there is no story that doesn’t have to do with lots of money or billionaires. when i opened up the website the first thing i saw was warren buffet
  • it is a formal use of diction with words trying to convince you into certain stories.
  • they use data and a bunch of news to back up their article.
  • their presentation is sort of black, white lots of texts and images. ads with big 0$ sign investments all over. billionaire names or known names and faces everywhere.
  • i think this would be a different publication because it fits the category but will stand out more on a website like Forbes.

hw 11/2

for my proposal I will be doing an op-ed and I want to submit it on Forbes magazine. my topic and what I want to teach is all about money. money as in the affect’s money has on you and what it has done to people no matter the situation.  to teach others so they can keep their morals and values. the reason I will do it on Forbes is because I want my target audience to be people interested in huge gains of money, hustlers who see the billionaires and want to be better and the billionaires themselves.  Forbes is popularly known for being professional pocket watchers it’s based on money and wealth.  I choose this genre because its heavily based on my opinion but only shown with facts. I’m not trying to prove a point I’m trying to help the future of people before money ruins all.  especially if it’s all I want. I’m worried about not getting my point across to clearly.

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